標題: 台灣電子產業技術發展階段模式之研究---採技術能力與技術策略互動觀點
A Stage Model of Taiwan Electronics Industry Development-----the View of Technology Capability and Technology Strategy
作者: 蔡千姿
Chien-Tzu Tsai
Pao-Long Chang
關鍵字: 產業技術;階段模式;技術能力;技術策略;電子業;Industrial Technology;Stage Model;Technology Capability;Technology Strategy;Electronics Industry
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 科技已成為影響產業發展的關鍵要素,而產業發展問題難免涉及區域性的背景因素,本研究從關心科技發展如何促進產業成長的角度,以產業技術的發展為研究主題,經由對台灣電子業的探討,建構一呈現本土性觀點、掌握後進者產業問題特質的「電子產業技術發展模式」。 本研究電子產業技術發展模式的概念架構,來自文獻探討四個理論的彙整,包括:科技政策三維架構論、產業蛙跳理論、資源槓桿論、以及產業生態論,歸納出產業技術發展問題的共通本質為:發展時程階段、技術能力、與技術策略三向度。在各發展階段的學習歷程中,技術能力支持與促成適當的技術策略,策略影響實際的發展經驗,而發展經驗又形成新的技術能力。反映此一問題特性,技術能力以「技術內容要素」的四成分作為分析概念,包括技術體、人員體、資訊體、組織體。在此一能力與策略動態調適的概念下,本研究針對台灣電子業中的電腦產業、IC封裝業、IC製造業、IC設計業進行個案研究,經由產業報導資料收集與廠商、專家訪談,以及深入的解析,獲致以下結果: 1. 台灣電子業的背景特徵包括:資源有限、市場狹小、人力優良、出口導向。 2. 台灣電子業的發展呈現後進國家階段性技術追趕的軌跡。 3. 在技術追趕的歷程中,能力與策略的階段性特徵為: 發展初期技術遠遠落後,技術能力提昇以技術體為重,發展策略在於技術獲取,策略行動採行引進國外技術。 發展中期技術稍微落後,技術能力提昇以人員體為重,發展策略在於技術流通,策略行動採行衍生公司。 發展後期技術緊密跟隨,技術能力提昇以資訊體為重,發展策略在於技術加值,策略行動採行策略聯盟。 4. 台灣電子業的發展特色可歸納為:階段性追趕、利基性切入、產官學研合作之體系、下游往上游發展之生態。 模式呈現由技術模仿快速將產業發展起來的方式,也導致根本的自有研發能量遲未建立,對下一階段發展的推演,台灣電子業未來應以組織體的提昇為標的,以技術創造策略為指引方向,發展關鍵在於創新體制的建立,資源的投入則須著重支持前瞻性自有研發。 至於模式在競爭要素、策略行動等方面的深度探討,以及延伸應用在其他產業方面,則為未來繼續努力的研究方向。
Entering the 21st century, technology has become the key issue of industrial development. Industrial development problems usually involve local characteristics. This research is concerning the industry problems of backward economics. From the viewpoint of how the technology development can progress industry growth, we construct a technology development model by exploring Taiwan electronics industry. The conceptual framework of this electronics industry technology development model comes from four referencing literatures, including: the integrative framework of technology policy by Kim , the industrial leapfrogging by Hong, resource leverage by Mathews and industrial ecology by Yang & Cheng. This framework constructing the common essences of industry technology development into three dimensions of development stages, technology capability and technology strategy. In the learning progress of each development stage, the technology capability supports the strategy and affects the actual development experience. Then, this experience will cause a new technology capability in the next stage. To reflect the properties of technology capability in such problem, four components of technology, including technoware, humanware, inforware and organware, are used as the analytical basis. The case studies of our research are aimed at the PC industry, IC packaging industry, IC manufacturing industry and IC design industry of Taiwan. By visiting companies, interviewing experts and collecting industry reports, we acquire plentiful data. We make detail analysis under the concept of dynamic adaptation of strategy to technology capability, and obtain following results: 1. The background characteristics of Taiwan electronics industry including: limited resources, small local market, superior human resource, and export-led industry. 2. The development of Taiwan electronics industry appears staged technology chasing trajectory of backward economics. At each stage, the characteristics of capability and strategy are: At the initial development stage, technology capability is far behind the advanced countries, and the upgrading of technology capability is focused on the technoware. Development strategy is then emphasized at obtaining technologies overseas, and the critical action is buying foreign technology. At the middle development stage, technology capability is slightly behind the advanced countries, and the upgrading of technology capability is focused on the humanware. Development strategy is then emphasized at technology diffusing, and the critical action is spin-off new companies. At the third development stage, technology capability is nearly catching up the advanced countries, and the upgrading of technology capability is focused on the infoware. Development strategy is then emphasized at adding values to technologies, and the critical action is strategic alliance. Deriving from the model, we can see that organware is the development core of next stage, the technology creating is the strategic guideline, the critical issue is the construction of innovation mechanism, and the resources should allocate on supporting the self R&D of advanced technologies. As to the industry technology development, there are some research topics worth to be kept on, such as competitive advantage factors and strategic actions discussed in our model, and the application of this model to other industries.