Title: 表面聲波元件產業技術構面之競爭力分析 ― 以個案公司為例
Competitive Analysis of Technological Capabilities for Surface Acoustic Waves Devices Industry - A Case Study of T Company
Authors: 黃振東
Chen-Tung Huang
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 表面聲波;技術能力;技術策略;SWOT 分析;關鍵成功因素;Surface acoustic wave;Technology ability;SWOT analysis;Key success factor
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 無線通訊技術的快速發展,帶來使用上的便利性與機動性,是繼 PC資訊產業之後,發展出之新一代科技產業。無線通訊的競爭力往往決定於關鍵零組件上,因此,建立堅實的關鍵零組件產業,是台灣邁入無線通訊產業最重要的發展重點。
表面聲波元件乃無線通訊產業的重要關鍵零組件之一,主要應用市場包含行動電話、無線區域網路(WLAN)、全球衛星定位系統(GPS)、纜線數據機(Cable Modem)等,應用範圍持續擴大,市場商機無限。
本研究即針對表面聲波元件產業,從產品開發能力、製程開發能力、生產製造能力及市場行銷能力等四個技術能力構面,透過SWOT分析,包括產業外部環境的機會(Opportunities)與威脅(Threats)及企業內部能力的優勢 (Strengths) 和弱勢 (Weaknesses),探討個案公司的競爭力。此外,也探討如何在強力競爭的市場環境下,掌握營運機會,消除主要威脅,發揮自我的優勢及彌補劣勢,以建立競爭優勢,達到持續成長的目標。
The fast development in wireless communication technology brings people the convenience and the mobility. It is a new generation high-tech industry after the PC information industry. The competitive power of wireless communication mostly depends on the key components. Therefore, to establish the strong components industry is the most important development priority for Taiwan to enter into wireless communication industry.
The surface acoustic device is one of key components in the wireless communication industry, mainly used in the mobile phone, wireless lan (WLAN), global positioning system (GPS), cable modem and so on. The application scope is expanding continually, and the market opportunity is very promising.
This research is focused on surface acoustic wave industry. It uses SWOT analysis, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, to analyze the company’s competitive power through four technology ability points – product development ability, process development ability, manufacturing ability and marketing ability. It also studies how to grasp business opportunities, eliminate threat, make good use of advantages and compensate weakness to build the competitive advantages for continuous growth in the fast-moving and competitive global market.
This research reveals that the key successful factors of the case company are vertical integration ability for technology, flexible and fast production capability, and management skills for process and quality. Meanwhile, we also provide technical suggestions to Taiwan surface acoustuic wave companies as a reference for future competitive strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis