標題: 消費者採購行為分析在科技產品之行銷策略運用--以台灣行動通訊服務業為例
A Study on the Application of Consumer Behavior Analysis for the High-tech Product Marketing Strategies--a case of Taiwan Mobile Telephony Service Operators
作者: 李正渭
Lee, Jeng-Wei
Chu, Fong-Kang
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 消費者採購行為;科技產品;行銷策略;行動通訊服務;Consumer Behavior;High-tech;Marketing Strategies;Mobile Telephony Service
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 高科技產品之技術發展常常可以開發新的市場需求;但是一般而言,科技產品具備許多傳統消費產品所沒有的特性,例如,產品變遷快速、具有不連續創新、其市場或顧客皆具有多元性、產品複雜性高等,這些特性多半來自產品的急速變化,故需要對科技產品的消費者行為特性有所掌握、依個別市場的行銷方式作調整,才能適應高科產品的特性。 本研究以大臺北地區的行動電話消費者為研究對象,採用非機率性系統抽樣法進行抽樣;透過EKB消費者採購行為分析,將科技產品--行動電話服務的消費者,作一有效的市場區隔,進而探討各區隔市場內的消費者,在生活型態變數上的差異,並為各個區隔市場的特徵作描述。進而依分析結果,對行動電話服務業者提出行銷策略與建議,以供相關業者制定行銷策略之參考。
In Generally, the High-tech products can creat the new demand and market places. They have their own character of business marking versus trenditional comsumer product. Those characters come with high-tech product’s rapidly improving and hyper competition. So that we need the marketing philosophy difference from trenditional comsumer product’s. The present research aimed at the high-tech product consumers’ purchasing behavior and sampling from the resident in Taipei Metropolis. And doing investigation into the purchase behaviors of the mobile telephone subscribers and divides the whole mobile telephone market properly into several segments. The characteristics and behaviors of the consumers in each segment are then analyzed and described such that it may help the service providers in choosing their adequate marketing strategy. For this purpose, EKB model is used as a conceptual frame and AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis of market segmentation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis