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dc.contributor.authorKuo Hsin, Yinen_US
dc.contributor.author楊 千 en_US
dc.contributor.authorChyan Yangen_US
dc.description.abstract這篇論文探討興起中的IC設計服務業。IC設計服務公司主要以服務來賺取利潤,有別於IC設計公司以銷售自有IC晶片賺取利潤。在晶圓代工盛行的現在,越來越多的公司需要利用IC設計服務進行產品開發,或是處理一些非核心的工作。加上半導體製程的進步,促使單晶系統晶片變的可行,消費者對單晶系統晶片需求量也大,更直接促使晶片集積度大幅提高。晶片集積度越高越需要IC設計服務業提供專門的設計服務,以減低晶片失敗率,並加快產品上市時間。 本文收集1995~2000年間刊登在EETIME, Digitimes (電子時報),Integrated System Magazine等專業雜誌的新聞資料庫,有關於IC設計服務方面的訊息,根據這些訊息做分類整理,嘗試從中找出產業發展的脈絡,希望從中得到對未來發展有益的策略觀。文中首先掃瞄目前市場概況,將業內廠商依業務型態加以分類,同時挑出各類廠商中的典型代表,針對其業務型態做深入的描述。了解各類廠商的經營型態之後,將改從產業面的價值鍊,來檢視IC設計服務公司的價值。接者分析各類廠商的服務內容、經營型態,以及解析客戶對IC設計服務的需求,從中探索IC設計服務的經營之道。最後提出服務平台式的競爭策略,以因應委外代工的風潮,同時又能滿足各種客戶需求。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe object of this thesis is to give some insight about the emerging IC Design Service Industry. Users can find the current market status, major players in this industry, customer requirement and proposal for competitive strategy in this document. The major difference between an IC design Service Company and IC Design Company is IC design Service Company earns the profit by providing the service to customers instead of self-developed IC chips. Since the silicon foundry is prevailing, the vertical disintegration is becoming more and more popular in saving the product development fee and increasing the ROI. The request for more design resource is raising as re-targeting the design to Foundry Company or creating the 2nd source for chip supply. Moreover, the design technique for sub-micron process and SoC design is so complicate such that a dedicated team is necessary for chip development. As design service demand is becoming higher and higher, the booming of this industry can expected. The information related to IC design service and posted in EETIME, Digitimes (電子時報),Integrated System Magazine from 1995~2000 is collected and analyzed in detail. From the collected information, the current ecological environment of this industry can be viewed, how the companies compete and survive can be analyzed, what customers wants can be also probed and forecasted. Therefore, the market status is browsed first; vendors are classified and reviewed in detail, according to the business styles. The position of IC design Service Company in the value chain is then investigated. Based on the vendor types, the business models, customer requirement are collected and analyzed. Finally, a platform-based strategy is proposed for fitting customers/markets requirement, for solving the resource/capability limit issues, which exist in almost in all IC companies.en_US
dc.subjectIC Design Serviceen_US
dc.subjectPlatform Based Strategyen_US
dc.subjectFabless ASICen_US
dc.titleIC Design Service Industry Analysis and Strategyen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis