標題: 台灣IC設計服務公司關鍵成功因素研究與競爭策略分析-以A公司為例
The Analysis of Key Success Factor and Competitive Strategy of Taiwan IC Design Service Industry:A Case Study of A Corporation
作者: 彭聖鈞
Sheng-Chun Peng
楊 千
Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 關鍵成功因素;IC設計服務;系統單晶片;矽智財;KSF;IC Design Service;SOC;SIP
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 中 文 摘 要 隨著半導體產業系統單晶片(SOC;System-on-a-chip)世代來臨,不但成為驅動整體IC產業持續成長的主要動力之一,也影響了產業價值鏈的結構,再將無形的SOC概念有型化的過程中,除了矽智財(SIP;Silicon Intellectual Property)供應商、無晶圓廠IC設計業者、電子設計自動化系統(EDA;Electronic Design Automation)廠商扮演了重要角色外,此趨勢也逐漸催化半導體產業的新面貌,讓晶圓廠及IC封裝測試,甚至於半導體材料供應商、半導體製造設備供應商等部門也隨之改變,出現更精緻的分工,如此上、中、下游與週邊各種配合廠商所組成的整體電子產業系統,才是所謂SOC的真實輪廓,其中更衍生出強調矽智財整合能力,追求產品快速進入市場和追求產品更快速設計的關鍵性產業 - IC設計服務產業。IC設計服務公司不但可協助客戶縮短產品設計週期,及時推出產品,並且降低產品成本,更可滿足系統業者少量客製化的需求,但由於IC設計服務產業本屬原有半導體價值鏈中區隔出的市場,不僅要承受原有上下游間的壓縮市場,還需面對技術交易和鑑價市場上未成形的議價難題,且產業進入障礙低,使得此產業處在百家爭鳴,充滿競合情勢的環境中。 本文旨在探討IC設計服務產業發展與現況,找出產業關鍵成功因素,作為政府產業發展、欲進入此產業廠商和現存廠商思考的方向。本研究使用因素分析方法找出IC設計服務產業的關鍵成功因素,並輔以個案分析研究搭配專家訪談方法,透過量化和質化的方式,試圖找出產業最關鍵成功因素,並對個案公司作策略研究。經由專家訪談所得到的實證結果顯示此產業13個關鍵因素中運用產業綜效因素、差異化因素、供應商議價策略因素、產品開發速度與品質控管因素、供應商供貨穩定度因素、客製化能力因素及技術因素等7個因素為最重要關鍵成功因素。而在產能利用因素、轉換成本因素、進入障礙程度因素、品牌知名度因素等4個因素則認為重要性次之。至於規模經濟因素與廣告配銷通路因素,則認為較不重要。 根據Porter在1980年所提出的一般性競爭策略,本文也探討個案公司所處的競爭態勢,並分析出短期競爭策略以成本領導為發展方向;長期競爭策略以差異化集中為發展方向。本研究希望能協助產業內業者了解如何應對產業強烈競爭的險惡環境,以及如何面對未來的發展方向。
ABSTRACT With the growing needs in SOC (system-on-a-chip) in semiconductor industry, which consequently, affects SIP (Silicon Intellectual Property), IC design industry, EDA (Electronic Design Automation) and other related chain industries in the producing, packaging and testing in OEM market. The increasing demand in IC design service industry that helps to integrate products not only plays an important role in accelerating the product design and developing cycle but also to reduce the product cost and fulfills customer satisfaction. Facing low level entry to the market from competitors and low profit margin, IC design service industry is in its crux to find their way out. This study is focused on the analysis of IC design service industry for its future developments and its current status. Factor analysis is employed to find the key success factors (KSF) to analyze the possible developments and trends in the future. For a more optimal research results, case study and special interviews with experts were conducted. Seven out of thirteen different key factors were the most affective factors that effect the future developments and trends in IC design service industry, such as the factor of industry net and synergy、the factor of product differentiation、the factor of cost leadership & negotiation strategy of supplier、the factor of the speed of product development and quality control、 the factor of the supply stability of supplier(foundries and SIP firms)、the factor of customized ability and the factor of technology. Four out of thirteen different ket factors were less importance factors, such as the factor of capability utilization, the factor of substitution cost, the factor of entry barrier, the factor of brand. The factors of economic scale and the factor of advertisement and channel were not importance. According to competitive strategy by Porter in 1980, a conclusion of the analysis of competitive strategy of A corporation is cost leadership for short term and focus in differnetiation for long term. This study is looking for better solutions towards future developments and trends in the IC design service industry.