Title: 台灣SIP產業之發展模式分析
An Analysis of the Development Trend of Taiwan’s SIP Industry
Authors: 陳玉華
Irene Chen
Joseph Z. Shyu
Keywords: 產業組合;關鍵成功因素;策略群組;矽智財;SIP 交易平台;Industrial Portfolio Model;Key Success Factor;Strategy Group;SIP;SIP Mall
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本研究以產業組合分析模型作為主要研究架構,對台灣SIP產業之企業經營形態作全盤分析研究。輔以SIP產業價值鏈之探討,並彙整產業競爭策略群組之定位,及分析台灣SIP產業之發展沿革,以求取產業關鍵成功要素和企業之策略定位。另外透過個案研究以支援此分析結果。
由於SIP的興起,造就Star IP 供應商、設計服務業及SIP Mall三個產業出現。台灣SIP產業多集中在設計服務業,而其關鍵成功因素為SIP資料庫的建立、SIP取得能力、驗證準確性與時效性、與代工業者合作關係。
本研究建議台灣SIP Mall發展策略應該著重於建置SIP交易平台基礎建設、提供市場充足有效資訊及加強後續的服務工作,以增加其對全球客戶的吸引力及競爭力。
This research reports on a portfolio analysis of Taiwan’s SIP industry. The objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of strategic implications of the industry. Methods entailing value-chain analysis, current positioning and strategic grouping are also used to substantiate the portfolio analysis. Two Taiwaness SIP firms are used to examplify the validity of the analysis.
Star IP provider, Design service and SIP mall are sub-industries generated after SIP industry booming. Taiwan’s SIP industry is concentrated in “Design service” segment. SIP library establishment, SIP acquiring ability, accuracy of verification and tme efficiency, collaboration with foundry, strategy alliances ability and follow-up service are key successful factors of “Design service” companies.
This research focus on “Design service” segment and “Customer intimacy- Design/Innovation” group. Future prospects of these SIP companies should focus on the SIP mall strategy to improve positions in the global market.
In sum, it is recommended that Taiwan SIP mall development strategy shall emphasize on establishing related infrastructure, SIP platform, market intelligence and follow-up services.
Appears in Collections:Thesis