Title: 台灣地區大型服務業採用顧客關係管理系統(CRM)影響因素之研究
An Empirical Study on Factors affecting CRM Adoption in Large Services in Taiwan
Authors: 柳萬傑
Wan-Chieh Liu
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 顧客關係管理系統;採用;二元羅吉斯迴歸;CRM;Adoption;Binary Logistic Regression
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 隨著網路的盛行,消費型態在滑鼠的點選中迅速改變,這種點選忠誠度的趨勢,也點醒了企業對於顧客關係管理的重視。有越來越多的企業採用顧客關係管理系統(CRM),針對顧客資訊進行蒐集、整合、與分析,並將這些資訊運用於行銷、銷售與服務上,以強化競爭力。 台灣目前採用CRM的企業以服務業為主,因此本研究針對大型服務業探討組織「是否針對採用CRM進行評估」及「是否創新採用CRM」的影響因素。 在創新採用因素方面,本研究彙整過去關於創新採用新科技的文獻,以「產業環境」、「企業經營特性」與「CRM系統特性」三個構面來探討採用的影響因素。 本研究以台灣地區大型企業排名為準,針對大型服務業共發出472分問卷,回收的有效問卷共89份,有效的回收率約為18.9%。研究結果發現: 合計約四成的大型服務業已經採用CRM系統。而在尚未採用的企業中,則以在評估中的狀態居多,約有近四成的企業正在評估採用的可能性,顯示CRM的重要性已經廣泛的被企業重視。 透過二元羅吉斯迴歸,針對「是否採用」與「是否進行評估」進行分析。在影響採用CRM的決策上,共有「需求不確定性」、「決策者對資訊科技重視程度」、「組織文化對創新接受程度」、「系統的成熟度」、「系統推廣程度」及「系統複雜度」,六個因素顯著影響。在決定企業是否對CRM進行評估的因素中,顯著的有「產業競爭性」、「組織機械化程度」以及「成本負擔」等三個因素。 最後並根據研究結果對企業及系統服務廠商提出建議。
As the widespread use of the internet continues to progress , the change in consumption patterns has come to be just a click of the mouse away. And the loyalty to this choice of clicks also clicked awake enterprises’ value on the management of customer relationships. An increasing number of enterprises are now adopting CRM (Customer Relationship Management) , which gathers , integrates , and analyzes customer information and puts it into use for marketing, sales, and services, in order to strengthen their competitivness . Currently, most of the enterprises that adopt CRM belong to the service industry , therefore , this study is directed at the industry , and focuses on the decisive factors of organizations’ innovation adoption of CRM. In regard to innovation adoption factors , this study compiles documents from the past concerning the innovative adoption of new technologies , and inquires the affecting factors on adoption decisions from the following three dimesions : industry environment, corporate management , and the system characteristics of CRM. For the purpose of this study, 472 surveys were sent out to large service organization according to the rankings of enterprises in Taiwan , and uesful return rate were 18.9%. The result of the research demonstrates that: About 40% of large service organization have already adopted CRM , and 40% are now evaluating the possibility of their adoption. This result shows that the importance of CRM has been taken seriously by enterprises extensively. This study analyzes the adoption process by Binary Logistic Regression. As to the adoption decision of CRM , 6 factors are evidently significant: Demand Uncertainty , the degree at which information technologies are valued by decision makers , the degree at which innovation is accepted by the organization culture, maturity of the system , the system promotion, and the complexity of the system. In deciding whether to conduct evaluations on CRM , significant factors are Industry Competitiveness , Mechazation of theOrganization , and the Costs. At last , suggestions are proposed to service organization and system service companies according to the results of the study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis