标题: | 从交易成本之观点探讨专业晶圆代工厂关系行销策略 Relationship Marketing Strategy of Pure Foundry Firms-from Transaction Cost Perspectives |
作者: | 郭毓琴 Yu-Chin Kuo 朱博涌 Po-Young Chu 经营管理研究所 |
关键字: | 交易成本;关系行销;晶圆代工;Transaction Cost;Relationship Marketing;Foundry |
公开日期: | 2000 |
摘要: | 在全球资讯产业蓬勃发展,整合元件大厂产能不断释出与委外代工趋势下,前景看好的专业晶圆代工产业同时也吸引更多厂商进入;随着产业竞争的白热化,制造成本的降低不再是决定代工厂竞争力的主要因素,代工厂唯有与客户建立长期合作关系,才能建立稳定的获利来源。而买卖双方在进行交易时,会纳入除了价格之外的许多无形交易成本决定交易合作对象。因此本研究首先分析委托晶圆代工的顾客与受委托的专业晶圆代工厂商两造间之交易成本类型,并从交易成本的角度探讨专业晶圆代工产业的两家领导厂商如何采取差异化关系行销策略以维持与客户之间的长期合作关系、建立有效的进入障碍和竞争优势。 在代工厂与顾客两造之交易成本类型分析结果显示:代工厂的顾客皆重视代工厂是否有充足的产能以及稳定的产品品质良率。IDM相对于Fables而言对于代工厂是否会抄袭其产品制程之设计有较多的顾虑,并因避免自建晶圆厂所需投入的庞大资本及风险而选择将部份制造活动外包给专业晶圆代工厂;而Fabless由于产业竞争激烈,因此较IDM更重视晶圆代工厂生产周期以及交期等影响产品上市时机的非价格因素。此外,由于IC产品交易过程复杂,代工厂是否拥有足够的产能、是否能提供完整的生产服务以及交易双方长期合作之经验与默契,提高顾客的转换成本。 比较个案厂商关系行销策略异同之结果显示,台积电与联电分别根据其定位而采取差异化之关系行销策略主要为: (1) 台积电采取独资建厂与自主研发的稳定策略,用累积的经营实力吸引并建立客户之信赖以维持双方长期之合作关系。 (2) 联电采取与客户合资建厂及技术结盟等杠杆策略,成功开发客源并使客户因资产专属性所产生之转换成本建立双方之长期合作关系。 Along with fierce competition, efficiency is on longer the sufficient condition of pure IC foundries’ competitiveness. IC foundry could not make a stable profit but establish long-term relationship with clients. During transactions, buyer and seller usually consider lots of intangible cost in addition to price, and choose to deal with ones which make the transaction with lowest total cost. This study first categorized various transaction cost what between IC foundry and its clients, including IDM companies and Fabless companies. Considering the two leading Taiwan IC foundry companies’ different customer relationship marketing strategies to attract potential customers, to lock-in present clients and to establish effective entry-barrier and to sustain competitive advantage, and then further explored with a case study approach. Fabless and IDM companies consider the same factors differently. In addition to considering capacity and yield of the foundry services, IDMs pay more attention to their IPRS especially process technologies than Fabless firms do. For avoiding the risk of building IC manufacturing factory, IDMs prefer to outsourcing the manufacturing activities. Because of severe competition of the industry, Fabless firms are more concerned with the factors which affect their products’ time-to-market and time-to-volume more than IDMs, namely manufacturing cycle-time and delivery time. As the whole process of IC product manufacturing is so complicated that customers would not change their cooperated foundry firms easily. Cusomters’ switching is also affected by capacity availability, turn-key services and their previous cooperative experiences between the foundry companies. TSMC and UMC have adopted differentiation strategies according to individual competitive advantages (1)TSMC adopted a focus strategy on continuously improving its manufacturing strength and customer services. (2)UMC adopted collaborative strategies such as forming joint ventures and technological cooperation with clients to leverage customer resources successfully to establish long-term relationship with clients. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/67451 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |