Title: 台電公司核能在職訓練評估之研究-以林口核能訓練中心為例
A Research into the Evaluation of Nuclear Training of Taiwan Power Company , An Example of Lin-Kou Nuclear Training Center
Authors: 陳明陽
Ming Yang Chen
Keywords: 台電公司;林口核能訓練中心;在職訓練;訓練評估;Taiwan Power Company;TPC;Lin-Kou Nuclear Training Center;Training Evaluation
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 台電公司於民國八十二年八月成立「林口核能訓練中心」,針對電廠技術維護、運轉部門員工,舉辦機械、電子、電氣、儀控及放射化學、輻射防護、非破壞檢測等各種技術維護訓練;林口核能訓練中心更於民國八十九年十一月通過ISO-9001的認證,使得核能在職訓練的品質達到國際水準;林口核能訓練中心核能在職訓練的紮實與否有賴採行有效的評估措施加以衡量引發本研究之動機。
In 1993,Taiwan Power Company established the Lin-Kou Nuclear Training Center. Training programs related to the fields of mechanical, electrical, electronic, instrumentation, chemical, radiation protection, non-destructive testing, etc. are implemented. It also earned ISO-9001 certification in l990, and ensure the quality of training guaranteed by following the international standard. Whether the training programs implemented are effective or not, they must be evaluated with effective methods. Out of this motive, it drives me to do the research.
As a complete training system, it, at least, includes training demand evaluation, training planning, implementation and evaluation of training. A precise evaluation of training can measure the performance of the training programs, and it has the function to feed back to the training programs. It may eliminate the demerits of the training programs. To realize the implementation of a training program being succeed or not, the training evaluation is therefore the most important key point in the process of training.
In preparation of writing my thesis, the steps are as follows: first, I study domestic and overseas periodicals about training evaluation, and know the nuclear training system in Taiwan Power Company to create the training evaluation mode, ”Kirkpatrick’s four levels evaluation”; then I induct the training evaluation variables; then according to the aims of study, I assume the study hypothesis in order to design the contents of the questionnaire and the procedures of sampling; then, I investigate the objects of study; and then I analyze the data of the questionnaire by statistics package software SPSS and get the results of training evaluation. Finally, I shall draw the conclusions and suggestions to both Lin-Kou Nuclear Training Center and nuclear power plants.When we get the key factors to evaluate the training programs, we shall know the degree of satisfaction of the training programs and degree of improvement of our employees with the knowledge and skills they learned during the training.
This thesis describes that the usage of the Kirkpatrick’s four levels training evaluation to evaluate for evaluation of the training programs. However, because of short of the time, this thesis merely evaluate the training program in reaction level, learning level, behavior level of Kirkpatrick’s four levels. This thesis doesn’t include the evaluation training program in result level of Kirkpatrick’s four levels.
Appears in Collections:Thesis