Title: 基督教會經營管理績效指標及其在教會牧養治理上的運用
The Church Management Performance Measures and Its Applications on the Church Operations
Authors: 柳欽元
Edward Liu
Prof. Jaw-Ming Chen
Keywords: 基督教;教會;管理;績效;非營利;使命;宗教;組織;Christianity;church;performance;non-profit;management;mission;religion;organization
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 基督教會經營管理績效指標及其在教會牧養治理上的運用 論文摘要 由發現教會管理績效指標開始,到它對教會牧養上所提供的訊息,及關於它實際運用的探討。都是希望能藉著探討及使用它們來協助教會牧長及同工們更妥適而有效地完成教會的使命-也就是主所交付的使命,並讓人了解教會的績效表現及其管理重點的所在。 研究首先從非營利組織及教會相關文獻中整理出可供教會參考之經營管理績效指標,再與牧長和教授討論且完成試測後,整理出26項教會經營管理績效指標並將其用於問卷調查及統計分析。 藉由回收資料的平均數及變異數分析,可看出教會牧長及負責人對於26個個別績效指標中最看重的前三項指標分別是(B.)個別會友身心成長及委身程度、(D.)同工團隊精神與士氣、(V.)會友彼此關係良窳。隨後的因素分析,則找出教會管理的四個重要構面:1.教會對內事工所成就的品質提升2.教會對外事工所達成的貢獻及影響3.教會對內事工所成就的數量增長4.教會對外事工的活絡情形。 在績效衡量矩陣的運用下,使教會整體績效表現可具體的呈現,而細部的表現也將藉著個別績效指標數值顯現出來;牧長及同工們只要根據這些指標就可知悉教會管理的實際的表現狀況,並進而保持或改善某部分事工的表現。 另外,經類經濟模型及數學式的分析結果得知:在教會對外事工方面,我們要盡一切的可能將福音傳揚;而單位教會對內事工上,為了質量相稱,我們需有一適當的會友數,太大的教會就應朝小組教會及增設分堂等方式進行,以期在會友數量增長的同時,亦顧及所有會友真正的身心成長、更新及有學習服事的機會。
The Church Management Performance Measures and Its Applications on the Church Operations ABSTRACT From discovering the Church Management Performance Measures to which the information it provides and through application of it, I hope to help pastors and co-workers of churches appropriately and efficiently complete our Great Missions commanded by the Lord and also letting people know more about management and performances of churches. After referencing, discussing, and statistically processing, the Church Management Performance Measures are provided. With the Mean-Variance analysis, we understand pastors and co-workers of churches are very much concerned about (B.) the Growth and Dedication of Each Individual Member, (D.) the Team Morale of Co-workers, (V.) and the Relationship Among Members. With the Factor analysis, four important dimensions are found: The 'Quality' Within the Church, The Contribution and Influence Outward Through Its Service, The 'Quantity' Within the Church, and The Liveliness Of It's Service Presented Outward. After applying the Performance-Measuring Matrix, the micro and entire performances of the churches are presented concretely. Using this method, pastors and co-workers can learn more about the operating conditions of their churches and try to maintain or improve some ministry areas. As the result of quasi-economic models and mathematics shows, we should do our best to spread the Gospel outward and keep an adequate number of members per unit church to look after both 'quality' and 'quantity'. If one church is too large, it should practice the cell church structure method inside or expand branches outward to maintain a high 'quality' while increasing its 'quantity'.
Appears in Collections:Thesis