標題: 企業推行知識分享之研究∼以旺宏電子公司內部單位為例
Knowledge Sharing within an Enterprise: The Case of Macronix
作者: 何素華
Suhwa Ho
Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 知識分享;知識管理;Knowledge Sharing;Knowledge Management
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 諸多探討知識管理的論述,大都認為成功的知識管理不在於提升生產力或效率,而在於實務經驗的分享。除認為知識分享是知識管理成功的重要因素,更認為透過知識分享能將知識管理的成果發揮乘數效果。因此,成功的知識管理策略主要在於能促進個人與個人、個人與部門以及部門與部門彼此之間,能相互交流經驗與分享知識。亦即創造一個良好的知識分享環境,該環境應培養:1.開放的資訊系統;2.培養組織內的信任及知識分享文化;3.建立重視知識分享的獎懲制度;4.高階主管的支持等四項特質。另外,透過個案研究,以旺宏電子公司內部單位知識分享情況,歸納出未來企業推動知識分享時,將面臨兩難的抉擇:成本Vs.效益(因部門規模較小)以及開放性Vs.保密性,上述的因素彼此間存在相當的矛盾性,如何在其間取得平衡?將考驗決策者的智慧。另外,在訪談過程中,多數受訪者認為中階管理者才是他們願意與其他同儕間分享知識的影響者,因此,未來企業推展組織內知識分享時,更應重視中階管理者的意見及提供他們更多的資源,必可讓知識分享的推動達到「事半功倍」的成效。
A lot of previous research regarding knowledge management indicated that the primary goal of knowledge management is not to promote productivity or efficiency but to encourage the sharing of practical experience. It was suggested that knowledge-sharing , which is a key to successful knowledge management, in fact has a multiplicative effect on what knowledge management can achieve. Therefore, a prosperous strategy for knowledge management is to encourage both inter-personal and inter-departmental exchange of experience and sharing of knowledge. Furthermore, a good knowledge-sharing environment should be supported by 1) an open information system 2) a good understanding of knowledge-sharing and mutual trust within organization 3) a transparent award/punishment system 4) a firm support from the top management. Investigating the issue through a case study on Macronix Inc, this research finds that there are trade-offs between the benefit of knowledge sharing and the implementation cost of knowledge-sharing due to the small size of group, and between transparency and confidentiality, when an enterprise launches knowledge-sharing. Getting a balance between these conflicts appears to be a challenge to the top management. This study also shows that the middle management plays a critical role in promoting knowledge sharing within an enterprise. Therefore, an enterprise should place more weight on opinions from the middle management and offer sufficient resources to this group when knowledge sharing is put on the road.
Appears in Collections:Thesis