Title: 電動機車之建模分析與再生煞車控制
Model Analysis and Regenerative Braking Control of Electric Motorcycles
Authors: 張時中
Shih-Chung Chang
Kan-Ping Chin
Keywords: 電動機車;模型模擬;再生煞車;Electric Motorcycle;Model Simulation;Regenerative Brake
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本文主要是探討電動機車整體模型架構之分析建立,並以原有驅動器架構控制再生煞車回充電流儲能,以達到增加車輛續航力之目的。電動機車之模型將依據個別系統(電池、控制器、馬達、傳動機構……)之原理及特性作分析,並配合相關測試數據與理論來推導,再利用Matlab與Simulink及其Tool box建立軟體程式來模擬測試電動機車之各項性能,其中各系統參數可依照設計需要輸入更改。論文將分別就電池、馬達、驅動器、傳動機構、車體等分別建構模型,模型中加入再生煞車回充控制,然後加以組合完成整體模型並測試分析。煞車回充係使用時間比控制方式,論文中利用霍爾感測器與光學編碼器之位置與速度回饋提出兩種控制策略,其控制結果均能得到穩定之回充電流。由程式模擬結果與實際測試資料比對誤差及驗證,此模型架構確實重現電動機車各系統之物理特性,並可得到車輛行駛特性(加速、極速、減速……)。因此,藉由電腦模擬結果可提供電動機車電控系統設計發展之Rapid Prototyping與Hardware In the Loop,並能加速研發時間與節省研究經費。
This thesis discusses the construction of an electrical vehicle simulation system. For the purpose of saving energy and increasing the driving range of electrical vehicle, the regenerative braking control is also considered. The complete model of the electrical vehicle is established by establishing models of individual components (such as battery, motor, transmission…etc.) based upon their characteristic and property. Using Matlab and Simulink software to program model and simulate performance, the parameters of model can be easily changed according to design and demand. To compare simulation results with actually test data, this model can effectively reconstruct the physical properties of the electrical vehicle, such as acceleration, velocity, energy efficiency…etc. Based on the Time Ratio Control(TRC) method, two methods, one uses the Hall sensor, and the other uses the optical encoder for feedback purpose, are proposed to achieve regenerative braking control. Simulation and experimental results show that both methods are effective in tracking the regenerative current command. By evaluating the simulation results, a simulator could provide valuable data to design and analyze prototypes of electrical vehicle. Therefore, rapid prototyping and hardware-in–the-loop can be achieved to speed up the development of new vehicle.
Appears in Collections:Thesis