DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChun-Cheng Hsuen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Tien-Chun Chang Wangen_US
dc.description.abstract設計風格的表現及要素的使用,會隨著科技演進與媒材變革產生差異。網路是近年來新興的媒體之一,瞭解其設計風格及視覺要素的使用在評價上所造成的影響,對於來自各種不同背景的設計者而言是重要的。因此本研究主要目的在探討網頁風格、要素與評價間的關係,希望能提供往後網頁風格研究、設計實務及設計教育上的參考。 本論文共分成三個研究階段。第一階段透過MDS法及深入訪談,針對90個國內外企業網站進行分析,探討首頁風格認知與設計要素之間的關係,並利用集群分析,歸納出現今首頁常見的類型及特徵。主要結果如下:(1)初步歸納出影響風格辨識的要素為:訊息呈現型式、構成元素的使用、編排手法、色彩、情感意象、使用感受、技術問題、網站類比等8個因子。(2)網頁設計風格的形成可由兩個向度來解釋:第一向度與「圖文比例、留白量、框架使用、欄位或分隔線區分畫面資訊」等視覺要素有極大的關聯;第二向度與「整體畫面編排、選項之呈現」有極大的關聯。以上之結論可作為網頁風格操作之參考。(3)利用集群分析可將90個首頁區分成6種現今常見之風格類型,分別是:多文字訊息型、框架色塊訊息型、理性圖文規矩型、感性圓弧編排型、影像插畫型、卡通場景型。本研究並對這六種風格類型的特徵進行說明。 第二階段透過文獻及訪談資料分析,初步歸納出19項重要的設計評價項目,並進行重要性評估,結果發現受測者認為首頁設計最重要的項目依序為:下載速度、網站名稱、資料常更新、具形象提昇、資訊呈現有幫助等19項。第三階段則從上一階段挑出與視覺設計相關的11項評估項目,並針對90個企業網站首頁進行評比與探討。經由因子分析後發現受測者對網頁的評價態度,主要可歸納成「機能組織性」與「情感形象性」兩個因子。 本研究最後利用SNK檢定及迴歸分析等統計方法,探討風格認知與評價態度間的關係;並從風格類型及視覺要素兩個角度,綜合分析造成設計評價優劣的首頁特徵,且歸納出設計建議與準則。研究發現風格呈現對於「情感形象性」與「機能組織性」評價皆有影響,但程度有所不同。若希望在「情感形象因子」上有較高之評價則需注重整體風格之呈現;相對而言,細部視覺要素的處理對於「機能組織因子」則顯得特別重要,這是設計時所應特別注意的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe innovation of media and technology affects the style and elements of design. Internet is an emerging medium. It is vital for a designer to know how the Internet changed the ways styles and elements are evaluated. This study was conducted in three stages: In the first stage, interviews and multidimensional analysis were used on 90 national and international web sites to establish the relationship between style cognition and visual elements. Then I used cluster analysis to deduce the main types and features of today's web pages. Here are my three conclusions: (1) The most important points of style identification are: the type of information presentation, the use of elements, the layout, colors, the emotional images, users' feels, technological aspects, similarity between other well-known sites. (2) A web site's style can be described by two dimensions: The first one is closely related with the text/image ratio, the weight of blanks, the use of frames and the segmentation of areas. The second one is related with the presentation of layouts and options. Designers can use the above-mentioned points to operate the style of webpage. (3) By using cluster analysis, the result showed these 90 web sites fall into six major categories. They are: text-first type, frames-and-color-blocks type, rational layout type, emotional-and-curvy type, image-centered type and cartoon-like type. The main features of the six categories are explained by this research project. The second stage derived 19 design criteria from papers and interviews. It is found the most important points are: download speed, web site's title, updating, web page impressions and information presentation. The third stage used 11 design-related points to rate and evaluate these 90 web sites. Using factor analysis, it is discovered that users usually evaluate a web site using two main factors: functionality and emotional images. SNK multiple range test and multiple regression analysis were utilized to explore the relationship between style cognition and evaluation. Further more, from both styling and visual elements viewpoints, the researcher inferred the most-likely features and criteria that tell a good web site from a bad one. It is found that, more or less, different factors are differently affected by styles. To make a better emotional web site, one has to emphasis overall style. To make a better functional web site, one has to emphasis detailed visual elements.en_US
dc.subjectstyle cognitionen_US
dc.subjectdesign evaluationen_US
dc.subjectvisual elementsen_US
dc.subjectweb-page designen_US
dc.subjectMDS analysisen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Visual Essence and Style in Assessment of Web Designen_US