標題: 設計展現中評圖者對言詞與視覺媒材認知的差異
A cognitive study of verbal and visual media for reviewers
作者: 葉詠晴
Yeh, Yung-Ching
關鍵字: 設計評圖;設計展現;言詞媒材;視覺媒材;原案分析;認知研究;design review;design presentation;verbal media;visual media;protocal analysis;cognitive study
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 設計程序中溝通活動中的溝通對象包括設計者自身及他人。設計自我溝通中關於視覺呈現媒材(representing media)的研究是設計思考相關學者們近年來目光的焦點,而對於言詞媒材的研究,在認知科學的領域裡至目前為止亦稍有成果。另一方面,設計者與他人溝通的展現媒材(presenting media),在過去有商學背景的學者,基於言詞媒材較視覺媒材成本便宜而引發了他們研究的興趣,然而這類研究主要對言詞之於視覺,孰較能將設計意念清晰完整地傳達;然而,設計展現中評圖者對擅長操作言詞媒材的設計者,與慣用視覺媒材的設計者所做之設計展現在認知行為上是否有異?若不同則有何差異?為了深入分析評圖者對言詞性及視覺性的設計展現認知行為上有何不同,作者擬先從事設計評圖的觀察,選定在設計展現中以視覺媒材為主,及以言詞媒材為主的受測設計者後,從事設計展現認知實驗,並以原案分析(protocol analysis)的研究方法從事研究。由此研究所歸納出的現象,可提醒學生及評圖老師切勿偏廢任何一種能展現設計的媒材,並進一步使設計者從事設計展現時可依據言詞及視覺性設計展現的特性將兩類媒材作策略性的分配。且提出後續研究的建議。
The objects in design communication include the designer him/her selves and the others. In the business field researchers study verbal and visual presenting media because of the huge cost difference between them while people in design study all focus on how designers communicate to him/her selves via visual and verbal representing media in recent years .But the business people mainly discussed which media would be a better tool in design communication. However, are there any differences between the verbal and visual oriented design presentations to reviewer’s cognitive behaviors? Firstly, according to choose the two subjects who perform verbal and visual oriented design presentations, the author does observations on design reviews. Secondly a cognitive experiment is conducted then the protocol is analyzed. The phenomena resulted from the study remind designers and reviewers to be fair to verbal and visual media in the design presentation, and suggest designers using these two different medias strategically based on their special characters. Issues of future studies are also provided.