标题: 经异相核凝增长去除次微米微粒之文氏洗涤器之研究
Study of Submicron Particle Removal by a Venturi Scrubber Via Heterogeneous Nucleation
作者: 郭恭羽
Kung-Yu Kuo
Chuen-Jinn Tsai
关键字: 异相凝核增长;文氏洗涤器;次微米微粒;heterogeneous nucleation;Venturi scrubber;submicron particles
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 本研究拟利用高温饱和蒸气混合常温废气(含有氯化钠微粒)使次微米微粒产生异相核凝增长,再以文氏洗涤器去除增长后之微粒,藉以提高去除效率,并考量总能量的消耗,以期此法经济实用。
A Venturi scrubber to remove submicron particles in the exhaust is investigated in this study. Using high temperature and saturated steam to mix with normal temperature gas, which was composed of NaCl particles, those submicron particles would grow in particle diameter by heterogeneous nucleation, so removal of submicron particles is possible.
In the traditional experiment of Venturi scrubber (without adding steam), the particle diameter for lowest removal efficiency is about 20nm, where the efficiency is only about 20% in the operating condition for the flowrate of normal temperature gas and the liquid to gas ratio are 400 lpm and 2.5 l/m3, respectively. However, the removal efficiency is greater than theoretical prediction. When particles grow by heterogeneous nucleation, the removal efficiency of 20nm particles is promoted to the range of 62% to 71% in the operating condition of 200 lpm and 2.5 l/m3. In this study, the removal efficiency is between 60% to 90%, and the pressure drop is only 9.3 in. H2O.
The removal efficiency is above 55% for the computer simulation of mixing ratio is as low as 0.0046. In this simulation, total energy consumed is used to heterogeneous nucleation of submicron NaCl particles, so there is no waste heat generated. This method can be applied to remove submicron particles for industrial application after improving the mixing for saturated steam and exhaust.