Title: 以PDA、WAP與Phone建立IA之整合及應用
The Integration and Application of IA Using PDA , WAP and Phone
Authors: 莊新來
Hsin-Lai Chuang
Jin-Chern Chiou
Keywords: 資訊家電;Information Appliance
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本論文研究的主題是建立PDA、WAP、Phone和STB的整合與應用,STB是家庭自動化及安全防護系統的控制中心,負責居家生活的保全及家電的監控,這裡我們替STB開發相關週邊的應用功能,使得STB達成家庭自動化及安全防護的功用,並提升STB的使用價值。 開發的功能有下列幾項: 1、建立STB 和電話的連接,讓緊急的訊息可以透過電話線通知使用者,以便使用者可做迅速的處理,避免延誤時機。 2、PDA可以利用內建的紅外線功能,和STB做雙向的溝通,因此使得PDA可以透過STB控制家中電器,或監控家中的防護情形。 3、手機WAP上網可以讓使用者在任何的時間或地點都可以遠端遙控或監控家電,能增加外出使用者的便利性。 4、以PDA為核心,利用學習模組學習家中電器的遙控器所發出來的紅外線碼,並且記錄起來,以便將各式各樣的遙控器能夠整合在一起。
The purpose of this dissertation is to integrate PDA and WAP and Phone that can be applied to STB. Here STB is the control center of Home Automation and Household Appliances and is responsible to assure the safety of home and monitor the household appliances. The capabilities of the integrated system consists of: 1、Establish a connection between STB and Phone, here we use Phone to deliver different emergency messages to the user; 2、Utilize PDA via STB to control Household Appliance; 3、Make use of WAP capability of a celluar phone to remote control household appliances; 4、Complete a computer program to learn/transmit infrared code for PDA to remote control Home Automation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis