標題: 空運旅客對科技型服務接觸知覺重要性與滿意度之實證研究
An Empirical Study of Air-Passengers’ Perceived Importance and Satisfaction on Technology-Based Service Encounters
作者: 楊政樺
Cheng-Hua Yang
Hsin-Li Chang
關鍵字: 自助式報到亭;科技基礎服務;參照單位分析法;重視度-績效表現分析法;Self–service kiosks;Technology-based service;Ridit analysis;Importance–performance analysis
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 在沛然莫之能禦的「簡化商務」風潮下,國際航空運輸協會呼籲民航產業應致力推廣科技基礎服務以提昇效率。「自助式報到亭」不僅被賦予節省旅客報到時間及縮減臨櫃等候線的任務,更被航空業視為節流方略及被機場當局期望為可有效從事空間配置的革命式變革。固然,科技基礎服務之應用雖可造福旅客,但旅客面臨服務變革時,是否全然抱持正面態度值得深研。鑑此,深入探索旅客對自助式報到亭所提供之各項服務的重視程度與滿意感受,並定位出正確的服務策略以吸引旅客樂於使用,是業者在推廣科技基礎服務時不容忽視的課題。 本研究先透過「關鍵事件技術」找出各類影響自助式報到亭之服務品質良窳的指標從事問卷設計,再利用「參照單位分析法」能將受訪者之原始離散型順序反應值轉換為連續性資料型態的數學特性,技巧的調整傳統「重視度-績效表現分析法」的概念,將受訪者對自助式報到亭所重視的各類服務屬性以圖像式的「信賴區域」做為詮釋管理意涵的觀察技術。研究發現:(1) 潛在使用者在操作自助式報到亭時,期待能獲得高度自主性及駕馭感的可控性使用環境; (2) 航空公司若要減緩常乘會員或高階艙等旅客對使用自助服務科技辦理報到手續的抗拒感,可考慮提供額外的優惠計劃或選位上的特權,當做吸引其使用的誘因;(3) 受限於組織之間的合作關係與多元資料庫的技術整合問題應予深入思考,以改善現行使用者在續程航段銜接性及購買電子機票上的使用瓶頸;(4) 航空公司若欲形成旅客對使用自助服務科技在操作反應上的期望,可考慮兼用「操作式制約理論」的「正增強」及「負增強」以塑造旅客出現業者所期望的行為及(5) 自助式報到亭的擺設地點應靠近行李輸送帶及過磅系統,且機器的外觀應朝向輕薄短小的原則從事研發與設計。前述這些發現將有助於民航業者改善自助式報到亭的介面設計、機場空間規劃及服務策略規劃的參考。 關鍵詞:自助式報到亭、科技基礎服務、參照單位分析法、重視度-績效表現分析法
Under the simplification of the business theme, IATA (International Air Transport Association) has appealed aviation industry to spread the technology-based service in order to enhance efficiency. In terms of simplification for airliners’ service operation, the initiative “self-service kiosks” are fully expected to meet the several needs, such as time saving for air passengers, cost savings for airlines and space savings for airports. The applications of technology-based services might have benefited travelers; however, not all travelers gave enthusiastic response to this innovation. Therefore, to prudently investigate passengers’ value and to precisely reach their satisfactions seem to be the key issues for researchers to explore before the complete implication this new technique towards airline companies. This study aims to (i) explore the importance and performance of services provided by kiosks and (ii) identify managerial strategies to increase kiosk attractiveness in order to be a viable option for passengers. Those service attributes influencing service quality were first determined via critical incident technique (CIT), following which a questionnaire was designed for data collection. Ridit values were applied to conduct importance–performance analysis (IPA) rather than the mean values of raw ordinal scores. Our results indicate that potential kiosk users expect their check-in environment to be highly controlled. Airlines may mitigate frequent-flyers’ resistance to kiosks by providing additional benefits or seat-selecting privileges. The technology bottleneck related to the connected flight service and e-ticket purchases must also be improved. Airlines may consider using both positive and negative reinforcements based on “Operant Conditioning” to gradually induce customers to accept self-service. Finally, kiosks are expected to be light and compact, and should be installed near the luggage conveyor belt and scaling system to provide satisfactory service for both airlines and passengers in the limited space available. These findings and their implications could be used to guide managerial strategy as well as future research. Key words: Self–service kiosks; Technology-based service; Ridit analysis; Importance–performance analysis