Title: 火害對高溫高壓蒸氣養護的TAICON握裹力影響之研究
A Study of the Effects of Fire Damage on the Bond Strength of High Temperature and High Pressure Steam Treated TAICON
Authors: 張瑞龍
Jui-lung Chang
Keywords: TAICON;握裹力;蒸氣養護;火害;TAICON;bond strength;steam treatment;fire damage
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究之主要目的在探討經過高溫高壓蒸汽養護的TAICON和一般標準養護之TAICON在各種火害溫度作用後,對於握裹強度的影響,以期能夠對蒸氣養護有更通盤的了解。
The major aim of this study is to explore the different effects that fire-damage has on the bond strength of TAICON treated with high temperature and high pressure steam and normally treated TAICON, in the hope that it will bring a deeper understanding of steam treatment.
The results of this study show that high temperature and high pressure treatment clearly increases the bond strength between rebars and cement, and the pressure strength and cleavage strength of cement. After fire damage, the pressure strength and bond strength of all specimen is reduced as the heat of the fire is increased. After high temperature and high pressure treatment, however, the decrease in pressure and bond strength below 750□ C is lower than for normal treatment.
SEM test micro observations do not reveal cracks due to rebar or cement thermal expansion. After high temperature and high pressure treatment, the structure of the cement at the interface between cement and rebar is clearly finer than normally treated specimen.
The higher the temperature of the fire, the more the crevices that appear in the microscopic structure. Hydrated products also dissolve as a result of fire damage, leading to a fall in strength.
Appears in Collections:Thesis