标题: | 自充填高性能钢筋混凝土梁剪力强度之测试与探讨 Experiment And Investigation for the Shear-strength ofSelf-compacting High-performance Concrete Beams |
作者: | 林添益 Tien-Yi Lin 赵文成 Wen-Chen Jau 土木工程学系 |
关键字: | 自充填混凝土;剪力;韧性;Self-compacting Concrete;Shear;Ductility |
公开日期: | 2001 |
摘要: | 本研究主要在测试自充填高性能混凝土梁受静态载重作用下之剪力及韧性行为。其目的在探讨自充填高性能钢筋混凝土梁在不同剪跨比、不同纵向钢筋量、不同混凝土强度及剪力钢筋量下之开裂剪力强度Vcr、极限剪力强度Vn及韧性的关系。并藉由试验数据评估过去学者所发展的剪力强度公式及现行ACI 318-99规范对于剪力强度的适用性。 根据以上的目的,本研究规划以三组剪跨比、四组剪力筋由rv=0,rv=rmin,rv=2rmin,rv=3rmin及三组纵向钢筋量等变数加以探讨外,另制作14根普通混凝土梁及14根自充填高性能混凝土梁,共28根梁试体进行试验比较。试体尺寸断面为180mm ×300mm。 试验结果可归纳如下: 1.在变数相同的情况下,自充填高性能混凝土梁的剪力开裂强度与极限剪力强度大部分皆比普通混凝土佳。 2.自充填混凝土的剪力破坏模式仍类似于普通混凝土,但其斜裂缝的破裂面较为平整,且从其粗骨材剪裂,原因是有卜作岚反应强化了骨材与水泥浆体的界面所致。 3.利用ACI、Zsutty及本研究之预测式推算自充填高性能混凝土梁与普通混凝土梁的剪力开裂强度及极限剪力强度,显示ACI规范有趋于保守的现象,即ACI规范的规定亦适用于自充填高性能混凝土梁。而本文及Zsutty的预测式较ACI的预测式准确,适用于破坏强度的预测。 4.在变数条件相同的情况下,以SCC的韧性容量较高,尤以a/d=2拉力钢筋适中,辅以剪力筋作用下,其试验终点的最高韧性比高达52.34;比普通混凝土高出约17倍。显示SCC有较好的耐震能力。 5.剪力开裂强度方面,有剪力筋者由于剪力筋的围束作用比无剪力筋者来得大,尤以自充填混凝土更为明显。 6.自充填高性能混凝土梁比普通混凝土梁之剪力挠度延展性佳,最高可达3倍。 7.自充填混凝土的剪力开裂强度及极限剪力强度,皆随着跨深比之减少及拉力钢筋比之增加而提高,此一现象与普通混凝土梁试体有相同的趋势。而经试验结果查知,ACI对剪力开裂强度之预估却忽略了a/d的影响。 8.经分析剪力有效程度Se结果得知,Se值皆大于1,显示ACI之公式有保守的现象。另Se与a/d有密切关系,且a/d愈大其Se愈小,本研究在a/d=4、混凝土强度为3000psi时Se值约为1.3,然a/d再增加时是否如ACI等于1,有待进一步确认。 ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior about shear and ductility of Self-compacting Concrete(SCC) beams under static load. The object of this research is to discuss the relationships among the cracking shear strength(Vcr), the ultimate shear strength(Vn) and the ductility of SCC high-performance beams(HPCs) with different groups of shear span-to-depth, various amounts of longitudinal steel, concrete strength and shear steel. Suitability of adoption for the empirical formulae developed by previous researchers and the current ACI 318-99 code was examined by the test results. Based upon the above objects, this study prepared the following variables for discussion: three groups of shear span-to-depth, three amounts of longitudinal steel and four shear steels with rv=0,rv=rmin,rv=2rmin,rv=3rmin included. In addition, 28 subjects of beams, with 14 regular ones and 14 SCC HPCs, were experimented and compared. The cross-section of the subjects was 180mm x 300mm. This study wraps up eight conclusions as belowed: 1. With same variables, most SCC HPCs perform better in Vcr and Vn than normal beams(NBs). 2. The breaking model of SCC HPCs is similar to that of NBs. However, owing to the Pozzolanic Reaction which consolidates the interface between aggregate and cement paste, the breaking plane of inclined cracking of SCC HPCs is much even and the origin of break is from the aggregate. 3. Comparing the inferences for Vcr and Vn of SCC HPCs and NBs by the predictive formulas from ACI, Zsutty and this research, the ACI code seems more conservative, which means that the ACI code also applys to SCC HPCs. Furthermore, the predictive formulas from Zsutty and this research are more precise, and are adoptable in the forecast of breaking strength. 4. With same variables, the ductile capacity of SCCs is higher, especially those of a/d=2 and medium tension steel with shear steel added. Highest ductility ratio at the end of the test reaches 52.34, which is 17 times to that of NBs, showing that SCCs possess better resistance against earthquake. 5. Due to the confinement of shear steel, Vcr of those with shear steel is bigger than that of those without. 6. SCC HPCs own better flexural ductility than NBs, with biggest difference of three times. 7. Vcr and Vn of SCCs enhance with the decrease of span-to-depth and the increase of tension-steel ratio. The trend of NBs is the same. From the test results, the ACI forecast about Vcr omits the effect of a/d. 8. From the analysis of the shear effectiveness(Se), all Se values are bigger than 1, which demonstrates the conservation of ACI formula again. Besides, there is a strong inverse relation between Se and a/d. The Se value of this research is about 1.3 with a/d=4 and concrete strength of 3000psi. However, whether the Se value approaches to 1 or not, as the ACI predicted, is in need of further confirmation. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/68066 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |