標題: 利用低軌衛星負載之定軌資料測定高精度之軌道及地球位模式
Precision orbit determination and gravity models from tracking data of Low-Earth-Orbiting ( LEO ) satellites
作者: 黃立信
Lih-Shinn Hwang
Cheinway Hwang
關鍵字: 線性軌道理論;linear orbit perturbation theory
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本文主要的內容:從衛星定軌資料的前期處理、各座標轉換資料庫的建立、軌道積分參數與條件的設定,GEODYN II軟體積分計算,線性軌道理論數學關係式與程式的建立,到各項實例(如中華一、三號衛星、CHAMP)的應用等。 本文先從衛星運動方程與定軌問題的認識著手,驗證自行開發的座標轉換程式計算,與OASYS積分軟體相較,座標值經由程式在地固(CTS)與慣性(CIS)框架之間的轉換,其各軸最大誤差約在5、6公尺範圍以內。本文並對GEODYN軟體應用從事深入探討,同時藉由對該軟體之應用,建立各項星曆資料庫及積分參數的設定,以此為基礎,實際對衛星定軌數據做程序處理(如一號衛星的range rate 資料、GPS資料和 CHAMP模擬資料等)。同時提出推論:如以都卜勒資料測定中華一號衛星軌道時,推論中華一號衛星之距離變化率觀測中誤差應該約在1 cm 等級,而本研究計算求得中華一號衛星軌道位置及速度之精度為35.17m和3.76 cm 上下。 本文利用Kaula(1966)之線性軌道理論及平差理論,以先前處理過之人造衛星定軌數據,求得衛星之位置擾動,再由其位置擾動反推求得地球重力位之球諧係數差值,從事各項案例的試驗:如計算中華一號衛星的range rate 資料、GPS資料在徑向、沿軌跡方向、橫向三方向擾動分量,發現其最大最小值,與設定的最大階數成正比,且在橫向方向的擾動分量,震幅幅度最大;沿軌跡方向的擾動,圖形變化最激烈。如一年份之一號GPS資料分兩部分處理,一為原始狀態,一為以OSU91A地位模式等擾動力為改正考量,求出的軌道積分資料,兩者經由線性軌道理論的計算,正可求出相對於OSU91A球諧係數的差值,由此差值與各月份繪製的圖表,正可研判重力球諧係數之時間變化。如對分組CHAMP模擬資料試驗,利用線性軌道理論推導之估算係數與EGM96係數(設為真值)相較,計算兩組係數展開至各階繪製之大地起伏網格差之RMS值,以驗證該軌道理論之精度及可行性。如以Kaula 的解析理論推導中華三號衛星之地位球諧係數,利用EGM96球諧係數分析大地位模式對於三號400公里與800公里兩個時期之軌道誤差。三分量的誤差皆以沿軌跡方向最大,徑向次之,而橫向方向最小,其量級主要受衛星高度影響,在總誤差量上,RMS值則分別為64.091公尺與1.691公尺,誤差量的大小亦與高度成反比關係。 本文之貢獻歸納成以下幾點: 一、實際對低軌衛星之定軌資料作程序處理。 二、建立球諧函數與衛星軌道參數之數學觀測方程式,並由其方程式推導求得估算之係數,作為日後改進地球重力場的參考。 三、則是將此觀測方程式實際應用於各項案例試驗,驗證線性軌道理論的可行性。
This work includes preparing tracking data of satellite , establishing coordinate transformation database, setting up orbit integral parameters, experimenting with GEODYN II software, writing linear orbit theory programs and testing various cases ( ROCSAT-1, ROCSAT-3 and CHAMP ) in gravity recovery. This work primarily investigates the theory of equations of motion ( EOM ) and orbit determination. A set of programs are applied to coordinate transformation between CTS ( conventional inertial system ) and CIS ( conventional terrestrial system ). Compared with the result from OASYS software, the largest differences are about 5-6m . Then, the work studies the structure of the NASA/GSFC orbit determination software-- GEODYN II, and use this software as a basis to process satellite tracking data and to determine orbits of various satellites. For three-day arc, the result of the solutions indicates that the accuracy of ROCSAT-1 of range rate is about 1 cm . For orbit passes near Taiwan, the RMS discrepancies at one-day overlapping arcs are 35.17m and 3.76 cm , which are about the standard errors of ROCSAT-1 orbit determined with range rate. The orbit perturbation theory of Kaula (1966) was used to derive an approximate analytical formula for near circular orbit and the order-zero formula which is suitable for assessing perturbation in the radial, along-track and cross-track directions. With this theory, we experiment with different cases of gravity recovery and tests; for example, computing perturbation components in the radial, along-track and cross-track directions, distinguishing time variation of geopotential coefficients, exploring gravity field ( geoid ) determination from orbit perturbations and using linear theory to estimate geopotential model error. The RMS orbit errors due to the EGM96 model error are estimated to be 64.091m for ROCSAT-3 at a 400-km altitude, and 1.691m for ROCSAT-3 at a 800-km altitude, respectively. In conclusion, the work contributes to: (1) Practically processing the tracking data of low-earth-orbiting satellites ( range rate and GPS data of ROCSAT-1 and simulated data of CHAMP et al.). (2) Establishing the relationship of the geopotential coefficients and satellite orbit parameters. (3) Applying the linear orbit theory to various cases.
Appears in Collections:Thesis