Title: 自充填混凝土結構行為監測與研究
Monitoring and Study of Structure Behavior for Self-Compacting Concrete
Authors: 黃嘉昌
Keywords: 自充填混凝土;結構行為;結構監測;乾縮;潛變;握裹;模板側壓力;撓度;SCC;Structure Behavior;Monitoring;Shrinkage;creep;lateral pressure on forms;column,beam;bond
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究對於SCC建築結構物與傳統混凝土建築的結構行為進行監測,將監測所得之數據加以分析,以了解施工中及硬固後SCC各種行為及對結構之影響,主要試驗分為實際結構與試驗室試體兩種,分別探討SCC應用於柱結構與梁結構體其結構行為,且為了解其與一般混凝土的異同,相同試驗各使用SCC與一般混凝土來比較,共測試了模板側壓力、結構內混凝土溫度、溼度、乾縮及潛變(包含柱桿件與梁桿件)、鋼筋握裹應力、梁撓剪行為及其EI值、梁結構物長期撓度。 研究成果顯示: (1)監測SCC建築物施工期間至今已將近一年,由柱號X22-Y2內監測應變數據顯示,此柱受力後其安全無慮。 (2)SCC流動性較優於OPC,性質較接近於流體,側壓力隨著高度明顯增加,以SCC量得側壓力較小。牆模板若依照ACI 347-94進行設計,不管是SCC或是OPC,都是安全、可靠的。 (3)SCC使用於柱結構中,與OPC相同,澆置後7天水化熱趨於平緩,混凝土強度也隨之穩定增加。 (4)SCC施工時具有良好的模板填充能力及抵抗析離性,於混凝土硬固後,若柱結構內受力變形未超過彈性範圍,其柱內應變各點間的關係幾乎呈線性,顯示使用SCC於結構體內,其斷面材料相當均勻。 (5)雖然SCC使用純混凝土試體時乾縮及潛變皆較OPC來得大,但SCC使用在實際結構上,由於混凝土握裹能力表現更為明顯,潛變及乾縮反而較OPC來得小。 (6)由於SCC充填密實,材質均勻的特性,相同外力下,鋼筋各個部位握裹應力較為一致,有效提升結構之可靠性。 (7)梁撓剪行為,以跨深比= 8的尺寸,壓力鋼筋比為0.0073、拉力鋼筋比為0.0158的情況下,SCC梁的勁度、降伏彎矩皆大於OPC,降伏彎矩為OPC的1.21倍。 (8)SCC使用在建築結構上,長期變形並不會比OPC來得大。所以使用SCC的結構物,考量長期變形的方式可以與OPC相同。 關鍵字:自充填混凝土、結構行為、結構監測、柱、梁、乾縮、潛變、握裹、楊氏係數、模板側壓力、混凝土溫度、撓度、勁度
The study aimed at monitoring of construction and structural behavior of ordinary property cement (OPC)and self compacting concrete (SCC) structures. In order to understand the difference between OPC and SCC. The main tasks include real structure and laboratory specimens to investigate the behavior of beams and columns that made of SCC. Determining the difference of SCC and OPC, all experiments are performed on SCC and OPC. The experiment includes 1.lateral pressure on forms 2.temperature of concrete 3.humidity change of concrete 4.creep and shrinkage of beams and columns 5.bond stresses 6.beam behavior and EI 7.long-term deflation of beams and columns. Based on the results of this study: (1)The monition data of column X22-Y2 indicates that the columns is good condition and the stress is below that of service condition. (2)The flowabilety of SCC is better than that of OPC. The lateral pressure of SCC increases with the height SCC poured, and is less than the pressure of OPC. (3)The temperature of concrete rises first and then comes down after 7 days, for both SCC and OPC concrete. (4)The measured strain in concrete follows the assumption of plan remain plan. (5)Though the values of creep and shrinkage for SCC is larger than those of OPC, the structures made of SCC shows less creep and shrinkage, due to a much better bond for SCC and steel. (6)The bond stress distribution of SCC is more uniform than OPC. (7)The ratio of Mn tested/Mn calculated is height for SCC beams. The same is true for EI value. (8)The lone-term deflation (150 days)is smaller for SCC beams.
Appears in Collections:Thesis