標題: 半導體供應鏈一元化代工服務的例外管理系統之構建
The Construction of Exception Management System for Semiconductor Supply Chain Turn Key Services
作者: 李玉純
Yu-Chuen Li
Dr. Der-Baau Perng
Dr. Ching-En Lee
關鍵字: 一元化代工服務;委外批次追蹤系統;例外管理系統;例外事件;Turn Key Services;Global Lot Tracking;Exception Management System;Exception;Vigilance
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 半導體產業是台灣經濟發展之命脈,為了快速回應顧客的需求,整合半導體供應鏈體系上中下游是未來發展必要採取的策略。但各個不同製造階段,由於資訊系統不一致、複雜作業時程安排及運送調度多樣化等,常造成時間遲延與管理成本的浪費。以晶圓製造廠為主導之半導體供應鏈一元化代工服務是達到此目標的新興生產模式。然而,由於產品的生產過程不完全被晶圓製造廠支配,在面對多家委外廠與上千種產品,且生產過程中產品可能分枝、分級或重工的情況下,如何即時地檢測出影響達交的關鍵事件並在最短時間內作處理,將關係著代工廠的競爭優勢。 本研究目的在建構一套半導體供應鏈體系之例外事件管理雛形系統,用於晶圓代工廠所主導之一元化服務。主要概念在整合半導體後段製程委外產品之生產資訊,包括生產週期時間、料況、委外廠每日實際產出等,並藉由例外管理系統與後端資料分析機制(例如,某段委外批次之生產週期時間持續偏高),管控針測廠、封裝廠及最終測試廠之生產實況與供應鏈間之例外事件。本系統可用來掌控產品在鏈中的即時狀態並適時發出警報,讓例外事件的管理更具準確性與時效性,以確保一元化代工服務供應鏈之整體績效。最後,經由整合模擬工廠、委外批次追蹤系統、標準估算模組與Vigilance進行模擬工廠內例外事件管理,證實本系統之可行性。
To satisfy the need of quick response and to cope with short production cycle time, foundry fabs integrate outsourced back-end factories into the semiconductor supply chain to provide whole IC manufacturing solution. It is named Turn Key Services. However, it is not easy to integrate the information systems among outsourced back-end factories and foundry fabs to follow up the production progress in time. We propose an exception management system for fabs to manage the production of outsourced factories. The purpose of this research is to construct a model of exception management system for foundry fabs conducting Turn Key Services. Fabs can observe and collect the production information in outsourced back-end factories through the Global Lot Tracking system. We employ Vigilance to monitor the production exceptions, which will improve the delivery performance. In addition, Vigilance can notify pertinent people the exceptions on time. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system, a simulation model of the entire semiconductor supply chain is constructed. It is found that the proposed system is applicable for foundry fabs to manage the outsourced back-end factories.
Appears in Collections:Thesis