標題: 晶圓製造廠非穩態環境下之生產排程規劃
Production Schedule Planning for a Wafer Fabrication under a Non-steady State Environment
作者: 李幸娥
Hsin-e Lee
Shu-Hsing Chung
關鍵字: 晶圓製造廠;非穩態;產品組合比例;訂單允諾;投料規劃;wafer fabrication;non-steady state;product mix ratio;order commitment;release plan
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 目前半導體業多以服務為競爭基礎,由於顧客需求之產品及數量可能隨時間而改變,使得規劃幅度內之產品組合及產出目標每週皆不相同,對企業而言,最大的挑戰即是如何規劃一合理之生產計劃以因應顧客需求。因此,在滿足顧客需求的前提下,本研究構建一適用於晶圓製造廠非穩態環境下之生產規劃與排程系統,以因應訂單更動所帶來的變異並提供生產現場一個有效的規劃結果,進而達成公司與顧客間雙贏的局面。 為解決非穩態環境下生產系統所將遭遇的問題,本研究構建三個模組以克服之:目標規劃模組、需求管理模組及主生產排程模組。 首先,為避免瓶頸漂移而造成管理不便,並進而影響產品之生產週期時間,於目標規劃模組估算各產品族之數量上限,並設計多組產品組合比例,以確保於此產品組合比例下之各產品其生產週期時間具有市場競爭力。在完成目標規劃後,當訂單來臨時即可進入需求管理模組,以可交貨日程表,並在不影響已承接訂單之交期下,評估訂單允接與否。完成接單工作後則繼續進行主生產排程規劃,包括投料時程、產出時程及交期設定等。 本研究所構建之各模組,在符合市場競爭要求及兼顧生產績效並滿足顧客需求之前提下,提供規劃人員於接單及排程時之良好參考依據。
As more competitors entered the market, the competition of semiconductor industry has changed from producer-oriented manufacturing into customer-oriented service. When every company aims to improve the flexibility of production system in order to compete for customer orders, a production planning based on the assumption of a stable environment is no longer applicable. A new production planning and scheduling system needs to consider demand uncertainty under a non-steady state environment, minimize production variance, and maintain good production performance and scheduling stability. The system is a necessity to improve the competitiveness in wafer fabrication. In order to achieve the above target, this research will construct a production scheduling planning for wafer fabrication under a non-steady state, make-to-order production environment. This research contains three modules. To prevent bottleneck shifting and the increase in production cycle time, the target planning module estimates the maximum quantity that can be produced in each product family. A composition for product mix ratio is then obtained to make sure that each product under the product mix has a competitive production cycle time. When a new order comes in, the demand management module will evaluate the acceptability of the order based on due date schedule and the effect on due date of existing orders. Finally, the master production schedule module evaluates the capacity loading after new order acceptance, and plans the release sequence, release time schedule, throughput schedule, and due date assignment of each order. The modules proposed in this research will provide a feasible reference for planners to be market competitive, to satisfy customer demand and to maintain good production performance.