標題: 都市細部計畫道路尺度之研究
A research for road scale of urban detailed planning
作者: 陳明宏
Ming-Hung Chen
Yuan-Jing Hsu
關鍵字: 都市細部計畫;路網模式;可及性;移動性;urban detailed planning;network model;accessibility;mobility
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 我國之都市計畫依據都市計畫法規定分為兩階段實施,分別為主要計畫與細部計畫。就都市道路系統而言,主要計畫規劃都市之快速道路與幹道系統;細部計畫則規劃都市之集匯道路與巷道。本研究首先分析細部計畫道路之功能與特性,並進一步探討其功能之道路空間需求,經由相關資料收集、分析、與歸納後,本研究認為影響細部計畫路網之主要因素為交通功能與都市構造形成功能,並以此構建細部計畫道路之路網模式。在交通功能部分,本研究以可及性(Accessibility)與移動性(Mobility)兩項指標分別構建模式,並以規劃區內最小旅行時間為目標式,求解交通功能下所需之路網建設規模。而在都市構造形成功能部分,本研究將其視為土地分配問題,期望在道路系統完成後,每一塊基地都能至少有一條可供進出的道路,因此將其作為路網模式之限制式。最後,本研究提出細部計畫路網模式之相關應用方法,藉以解決模式假設與現實情境可能產生的矛盾,同時闡述如何納入模式中無法量化的設計因素。
According to the urban planning law, the urban planning in Taiwan is executed by two stages- master plan and detailed plan. By the urban road system, master plan design the express road and arterial system, detailed plan design the collector road and local street. First of all, this research analyses the functions and characteristics of the urban detailed plan road system, and find out the space requirement of these functions. After data collecting, analyzing and concluding, this research think that the major functions affects the urban detailed road system are traffic function and urban structure forming function. Finally, this research builds a network model by these two functions. By the accessibility and mobility of the urban detailed plan region, this research builds a network model and finds the optimum solution when the minimum travel time of the urban detailed plan region. About the urban structure forming function, this research thinks that is an allotment problem of the land. Urban planning expects that every building lot should have at least one connecting local street after the urban detailed network finished. Therefore, the urban structure forming function could be taken as a constraint of the network model. Eventually, this research provides the application of the network model in order to settle the conflicting between the reality and the assumption of the model, and expounds how to think the factors that can’t quantify in the network model.