標題: 台北捷運系統營運意外中斷公車接駁輸運之研究
Operating Accidental Interruption of Mass Rapid Transit by Feeder Buses for Substituting Transport: Case of Taipei MRT
作者: 陳瑞成
Ran-Chang Chen
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
關鍵字: 捷運營運中斷;接駁公車;指派;多目標規劃;operating interruption of mass rapid transit;feeder buses;assignment;multi-objectives decision-making
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 大都會捷運系統若發生營運事故,不僅導致旅客各項活動延遲,亦將損及捷運營運機構經營形象。故調撥接駁公車因應營運事故乃為一應急需求之解決方案。但若盲目調派接駁公車輸運,將浪費有限之運輸資源,無法達到輸運效益。本研究係探討當捷運系統發生營運中斷,而其中斷類型為短期間可恢復正常營運之情況;根據過去類似事故預估營運中斷時間長度,來研判發起接駁公車輸運受影響之乘客時,如何調度鄰近公車場站之可用車輛,指派至中斷區域之何一車站加入輸運作業,以紓解延滯。 當捷運發生營運中斷時,實務上難以提供足夠之接駁公車輸運乘客。為使有限運輸資源發揮最大效益,應採取能有效降低全體旅客之延滯,同時能公平輸運各車站旅客之輸運方式。所以,本研究界定發起接駁公車之基本考量為達到「有效性」與「公平性」之二個目標。 本研究以過去文獻探討之捷運旅客離站運具選擇模式,預測搭乘接駁公車比例。另建立接駁輸運模擬程式,以推算各種指派方案下,各接駁公車行駛到各車站之時間點,與各車站實際上車人數,作為有效性及公平性目標之數學規劃模式參數。 有效性目標規劃模式係追求系統總紓解延滯最大,以使輸運方案能使捷運營運意外之衝擊程度減至最小;公平性目標規劃模式則追求各車站間延滯消除率差異性最小,以使各車站之旅客享有公平之運輸服務。結合有效性與公平性建立多目標規劃模式,以木柵線營運中斷為例,所得出之妥協解結果為優於台北捷運公司目前所訂定接駁公車指派輸運原則。
If mass rapid transit causes an operating accidental interruption, travelers will be delay to anticipate all kinds of activities. Mass rapid transit company will also lose its managing image. Therefore, mass rapid transit company must support feeder buses for substituting transport. If mass rapid transit company assigns feeder buses without planning, it will waste resources of transportation, and will not achieve the benefit of transportation. This research will focus on short term of operation accidents, which can be forecasted interruption periods. This research will find out what kind of assignment alternative can use for discharging delay. When mass rapid transit causes an operating accidental interruption, it is hard in practice to support enough feeder buses for substituting transport. To achieve the maximum benefit with finite resources, we should reduce total travelers’ delay efficiently and transport travelers’ in any stations equally. Therefore, this research defines that the substituting transport can achieve the objectives of efficiency and equity. This research uses mode of departure model from a literature to estimate transportation demands. This research also establishes a simulating program to calculate what feeder buses’ arrival time is and how many travelers get on buses for the parameters of multi-objectives programming. The efficiency objective pursues the minimum of total delay. The equity objective pursues the minimum deviation of each station’s discharged delay ratio. This research establishes a multi-objectives decision-making model and has an application of Muchu Line operating interruption. The result is that the compromise solution is better than the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation’s assignment alternative in efficiency and equity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis