標題: 知識分享機制之建立-以交通大學科技法律研究所為例
Constructing the Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing -A Case Study on NCTU Institute of Technology Law
作者: 陳穎萩
Chen Ying Qiu
Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 知識管理;知識分享;組織文化;知識分享機制;知識分享策略;Knowledge Management;Knowledge Sharing;Organization Culture
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本研究是以企業文化、知識分享促動要素與知識分享策略為中心主軸,導入生命週期的觀念,進行知識分享機制之建立,提供企業推行知識管理時,在知識分享方面有依循之根據與參考模式。主要研究架構以企業文化、知識分享促動要素、知識分享的執行策略與生命週期等四大構面為基礎,設計知識分享機制的運作模式。在企業文化面,本研究以文化是策略所促成之觀念為基準點,進行探討;在知識分享要素面,本研究係根據(1)知識分享的阻力、(2)成功關鍵因素與(3)實務界的作法,進行規納,彙整出知識分享的促動要素為高階主管的態度、溝通管道的建置、夠份量的誘因設計與適當之評估方式等;在知識分享策略面,依企業之目標、資源、願景與知識分享要素的搭配運作,彙整出四項企業目標策略與三項知識分享要素策略;在生命週期面,以初始期、建構期、整合期與聯網期為一完整的建置循環。 研究結果顯示,知識分享機制是可以依循步驟流程一步一步的推行與建置。整體的知識分享機制之時間點,可以分成知識分享的前期評估期與生命週期的搭配:在知識分享機制的前期評估期,是以企業文化為重心,檢視出企業的現況與推行目標;在生命週期的推動時,則以知識分享策略與促動要素為主軸運轉,依前期評估期所檢視之現況與目標,執行知識分享生命各週期之策略方向,進而形成一股新的知識分享企業文化。企業並可依其不同的目的、資源與願景,在知識分享生命週期的各階段,採取不同策略,達到企業推行知識分享機制之目的。
The purpose of this study is to construct the mechanism of knowledge sharing to form a new culture for knowledge sharing. This mechanism of knowledge sharing is composed of four components, namely: 1. organization culture: An organization’s culture follows its strategies. 2. elements of promoting knowledge sharing: The elements include leadership, communication, incentives and evaluation. 3. strategies of knowledge sharing: The strategies are categorized as those on the aspects of a company’s objectives as well as elements of promoting knowledge sharing. 4. concepts of the life cycle: The stages of the life cycle considered is this study are initiation, propagation, integration and networking. Results of this study show that the mechanism of knowledge sharing can set up step by step to form a new culture of knowledge sharing. This process can be divided in to the evaluation period and implementation period. The former is to investigate the organization’s present state and objectives based on its culture, while the latter is to implement the strategies at the different stages of the life cycle according to the outcome of the evaluation period. The concepts of leadership, communication, incentives and evaluation in the mechanism of knowledge sharing can work effectively through a systematically and organizational way at all stages of the life cycle. Therefore, a company can achieve its objectives of knowledge sharing by adopting different strategies at the different stages of the life cycle depending on its objectives, resources and visions.