標題: 大學校園創新育成中心進駐之新興企業技術資金的籌集和網路運作模式之研究
A Study on the Model of the Technology Capital Network for Resident Enterprises inside the University Incubator
作者: 陳雲芳
Yun-Fang, Yvonne Chen
Dr. Benjamin J. C. Yuan
關鍵字: 育成中心;技術資金網路;incubator;technology capital network
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 為加速產業結構升級與轉型,以提升國家產業競爭力,自民國八十一年起,「中小企業創新育成中心」之概念自國外引進,並協助規劃。目前育成中心大多培育以科技為基礎(technology-based)之創業型中小企業,而其多有資金密集之產業特性。在其創業發展過程中,資金的規劃與籌集為其企業生存重大挑戰之一。 本研究將針對新興中小企業在成長過程中,如何取得適時之資金為研究重點,探討資金供給者之投資審核要求與創業者之需求,並參考先進國家如美國麻省理工學院企業論壇(MIT technology forum)及「技術資金網絡」(technology capital network)之作法,以期建立出一套適合於創業者與資金供給者之間的「資金媒合機制」。透過有效的資金媒合,縮短中小企業資金籌集之時間,減輕其創業過程的投資費用與風險,以利增進初創業者成功機會。
Since 1992, the concept of “incubator for the entrepreneur ” has been introduced to speed up the upgrading of the infrastructure of the technical industry to increase the competitiveness of Taiwan. Currently, most of the resident enterprises inside university incubators are technology-based and are capital intensive. The major challenge is to raising money during the developing stage. The purpose of the thesis is to build the capital matching model between the entrepreneur and the investor by means of focusing on their criteria used by both entries. By utilizing the concept from the MIT technology forum and the technology capital network, the entrepreneur can formulate the structure to raise money during the developing stage, eliminating the risk, reducing investment expense that leads to success.