標題: 網路個人媒體認知圖像與介面功能價值感、滿足感之初探----以PChome個人新聞台為例
Cognitive Images of Internet Personal Media and Value and Gratification of Interface Functions-An Exploratory Study of PChome Personal News Site
作者: 廖凱弘
Kai-Hong Liao
Tai En Yang
關鍵字: 網路傳播;網路媒體;個人媒體;媒體認知圖像;網路媒體混合模式;Internet communication;Internet media;personal media;media cognitive images;Network Media Mixed model
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本研究旨在探索使用者對網路媒體的認知圖像,並且了解他們對網路個人媒體功能的價值感評價與滿足感程度。在研究者參與度高,且對傳播有特殊意義考量下,本研究選擇「PChome個人新聞台」作為整體觀察的對象。首先針對傳播與認知圖像研究進行探討;並藉由文獻,探討當網路成為媒體時,它所呈現的大眾與人際傳播模式之獨特性;最後,則論述在全球資訊網下,個人媒體在傳播研究上的意義,同時,從「使用者中心」與「使用與滿足」兩個觀點切入,繼續探討使用者對於WWW中特定個人媒體的介面功能評價與未來期望。 本研究採「電子問卷調查法」,並以立意抽樣,找出積極參與網路個人媒體活動的使用者。研究發現,使用者的網路媒體認知圖像包含四個層面:第一、「個人控制與參與權」;(2)「人際溝通工具性」;第三、「大眾媒體性」;最後則是「雙向傳播性」。研究發現,「個人控制與參與權」最受使用者重視,解釋程度最高。 相較於整體網路媒體,使用者的「個人新聞台」圖像亦可分為三部分:第一、個人新聞台符合整體網路圖像的有:「讓人抒發情感、情緒的媒體」、「自己必須主動選擇想要的訊息」與「使用者發送自己訊息為主的媒體」等;第二、個人新聞台獨特的圖像有:「自己可以完全控制的媒體」與「非常私密與個人化的媒體」;第三、個人新聞台與整體網路均無的圖像:「已可取代電視與報紙的新聞功能」。總之,個人新聞台將網路中「個人控制與參與權」的圖像突顯出來,讓其有機會成為一網路「個人媒體」,除了實現媒體接近使用權精神外,同時,「使用者控制權」如何有效落實,也受到網路媒體經營者重視。 個人新聞台介面功能包含如全體特性、雙向溝通性、選擇性與非永久性等WWW特性。研究發現,使用者對於「留言版」的價值感最高;相反地,「聊天室」是個人新聞台中最不重要的功能,但二者均屬於雙向溝通性的功能。顯示在網路媒體中,介面功能必須切合個人媒體網站目的,以及使用者所需,才能受使用者重視。從「使用者中心」角度分析,使用者對「留言版」的滿足感仍然最高,顯示設計者必須熟稔使用者需求,才能更了解使用者對個人媒體功能的期望為何。 最後,根據上述研究發現,研究者綜合整理出使用者認知圖像中的「網路媒體混合模式」:網路呈現一種大眾傳播、人際溝通與個人媒體三種傳播模式匯集的多元混合媒介。它整併「個人與大眾」、「個人與人際」,以及「大眾與人際」傳播的效果,同時,又重視使用者,讓其參與媒體活動,形成「個人經營媒體」的特色,相較大眾「接收」模式,又屬於創新效果。這些效果,經由使用者的網路認知展現,重視使用者與媒介之間的緩衝體(心理認知結果),代表了網路使用者對「何謂網路媒體」的主觀圖像。總之,網路個人媒體可以是言論天堂,或自我窗口,又可與他人互動,更像個人專屬佈告欄,這就是使用者心中的網路個人媒體定位。
The purpose of this study was to explore the users’ cognitive images of Internet media and understand their sense of value and degree of gratification on personal site’s interface functions. “PChome Personal News Site” was the exploratory case of this study for its significant meanings on communication. In literature, first of all, the researcher discussed on communication and cognitive images. Secondly, the specialty of Internet media is focused on the original mass and interpersonal communication model. Finally, the meaning of WWW personal media was discussed. And, the researcher focused on users’ evaluation on personal site’s interface functions and their future expectation from the views of the “user-centered” concept and “uses and gratifications theory“. This research adopted “electronic survey” method and purposive sampling to find active participants of Internet personal media. The researcher found out that users’ cognitive images of Internet media included four aspects: (1) Personal control and participation rights; (2) Interpersonal communication tool; (3) Mass media; (4) Two-way communication. The researcher found out that factor “Personal control and participation rights” was the most interpretive of the four aspects, so that users emphasize it mostly. Users’ cognitive images of Internet personal media also included 3 aspects: (1) Personal news site images matching the whole Internet media images, such as “to express emotions and feelings”, “actively select messages that you need”, and “ mainly for users to send their messages to the media”; (2) Personal news site special images, such as “it can be controlled by your own”, “very confidential and personal”; (3) images of Personal news site and whole Internet media that do not currently exist, such as “it can replace for TV and newspaper on news function ”. As a personal media, personal news site practices personal control and participation, and it makes the spirit of right of access come true. Nowadays, Internet media’s management focused on how to practice “users’ control rights”. Interface functions of Personal news site include some WWW characteristics, such as: globalization, two-way communication, selectivity and impermanence. The researcher found out that “Message Board” was the most valuable function; conversely, “Chat Room” was the least valuable, and both of them belonged to “two-way communication” function. This result showed that interface functions were suitable for personal site’s purpose and users’ need so that interface functions on personal sites may be deemed important by the users. From the view of “user-centered concept”, “Message Board” is also the most satisfactory function for the users. In other words, designers must understand users’ need so that they can design some interface functions of Internet personal media that correspond to users’ expectation. Finally, according to these findings above, the researcher develops “Network media mixed model”: the network demonstrates a multi-mixed media that assembles three communication models, including mass media, interpersonal communication, and personal media. It integrates “personal and mass”, “personal and interpersonal”, and “mass and interpersonal” effects; meanwhile, it emphasizes on users and users’ participation in media activity, so it forms an “individual-run media” trait. Contrary to mass media’s reception model, it shows innovative effects. These effects, shown in the users’ cognitive images that focus on mental results between users and media, represent subjective images of “what is network media”. As a result, network personal media can be a paradise of speech, or a window of self, in which we interact with others, so it is more like a personal bulletin board. This is the users’ positioning of network personal media.