標題: MPEG-4技術對網路影音新聞呈現與製作影響之探討
Study of the Effects of MPEG-4 Technology on Editing and Presenting On-Line News
作者: 詹景良
Ching-Lyang Chang
Che-Wei Chang
關鍵字: MPEG-4;串流技術;網路影音新聞;MPEG-4;Streaming;On-line audio-video news
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本研究的目的在探討MPEG-4壓縮技術對網路影音新聞製播流程與呈現方式的影響。本研究從文獻中發現,跟影音傳輸方面相關的技術大多離不開隨選視訊Vod、Streaming、MPEG動態壓縮技術等,運用這些技術,提供使用者有別於以往看電視或是一般多媒體的影音環境。 於是本研究以新聞製播流程與網路影音新聞製播流程進行分析,找出現階段新聞製播流程上可以改進的地方,在新聞的呈現方式部分,則先分析現有網路影音新聞呈現方式,再分析MPEG-4壓縮格式的特性與優點,探討運用MPEG-4技術將對目前電視新聞或是網路影音新聞呈現方式造成的影響。 在MPEG-4環境的影音新聞呈現方面可以分成三方面探討(一)、新聞畫面的呈現。(二)、新聞內容的呈現。(三)、新聞型態的呈現。在畫面的呈現上發現呈現畫面不用拘泥於一般的電視報導型式,可以利用虛擬攝影棚的觀念,甚至虛擬主播由使用者自己選擇主播,播報環境等並且配合其他多媒體;在內容呈現上可以富個人化、互動特性、隨選功能等;在型態的呈現上,由於與一般電視新聞不同,不用因為時間的關係而犧牲內容。 在新聞製播流程上可以分成時間與技術上來探討,在時間上發現已經沒有所謂的頭條新聞,並且新聞製播團隊關係的時間軸由垂直的關係轉為橫向的關係,在技術面來說,由於面對這樣不同媒體的特性,因此從導播到下面的技術人員,在個人專業方面都面臨不同的挑戰。 最後本研究以MPEG-4為基礎利用實作方式,設計出一套適合新聞從業人員使用的線上視訊查詢系統,用來增進新聞製作的速度。
This research focused on the study of effects of MPEG-4 technology on editing and presenting on-line audio-video news. MPEG-4 was chosen as the topic of study because existing literatures reveal that on-line audio-video data transmission is highly correlated with technologies such as MPEG, video-on-demand and streaming. With these technologies, the user interface and environment could be very different from those of television or traditional multi-media. For editing news, the processes of editing traditional and on-line news were first reviewed. Flaws of existing editing process and corresponding improvements were then analyzed. As for presenting news, current presentation ways for on-line audio-video news were introduced. The unique merits of presenting news through MPEG-4 were exploited, followed by its possible impacts on presenting news on television and on-line. The editing of news through MPEG-4 was discussed in the aspects of time and technology. In terms of time, the so-called “head-line news” no longer exist, and the vertical relationship of time versus news editing team now becomes horizontal. In terms of technology, due to its radical revolution, all news related personnel from producers to technicians are highly challenged in their personal profession. Presenting news through MPEG-4 is studied in: (1) the image; (2) the content; and (3) the form, of the presentation. The image is no longer limited by traditional telecast. Virtual studio, virtual news reporter and user setting preference are all possible options. The content becomes interactive, personalized, and could be modified on demand. As for the form of presentation, the content of news needs not to be sacrificed because of limited time, which is usually the case for telecast. Finally, based on MPEG-4, an on-line video query system, specially designed to fit the requirements of news related professionals, was implemented to shorten the time for editing news.
Appears in Collections:Thesis