標題: WAP轉換閘道之系統架構設計與實作
Design and Implementation of WAP Translation Gateway
作者: 李凱雯
Kai-Wen Lee
I-Chen Wu
公開日期: 2001
摘要: WML (Wireless Markup Language),是在WAP的標準中,為了顯示特定的內容及使用者介面,所設計的一種語言格式。然而,在網際網路上,大部分的網頁都是以HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) 所寫成的,支援WAP的行動設備通常並不能直接去讀取HTML的檔案。網頁開發人員必須重新設計網頁,以提供服務給行動通訊裝置。這樣的作法不僅在開發時相當地花費人力和時間,日後還得維護兩份相同內容但格式不同的檔案。 在本篇論文中,我們設計並且實作了一套新的WAP轉換閘道系統。由於系統中內定了一套標準的轉換規則,所以行動裝置對伺服器提出需求時,能自動地將HTML文件轉換成WML文件,並針對不同的行動裝置,給予不同的回應。除了可以利用原有的轉換規則來轉換網頁外,開發人員還可以針對特定的網頁及裝置,設計它們之間特有的轉換規則。另外,HTML文件的資料量通常比WML文件大許多,轉換後的WML文件通常會超出WML文件的大小限制 (1.4K bytes)。本篇論文也將針對此問題,提出了新的切割方式。
WML (Wireless Markup Language) defined by WAP Forum is designed to display specifying content and user interface for WAP-enable devices. However, most Web contents in the Internet are written by HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), WAP-enabled devices usually can’t access those Web pages directly. In the past, Web programmer must rewrite Web applications for mobile clients. On the one hand it is slow to market and higher cost, on the other hand Web programmer must maintain two different documents which almost have the same content. In this thesis, we will design and implement a WAP translation gateway. By a set of normal conversion rules on the gateway, it can convert HTML to WML automatically as well as response different outputs for different clients. Besides using original conversion rules, developer still can design special conversion rules between special Web pages and clients. Furthermore, HTML documents are usually larger than WML documents, it will make WML documents to exceed its size limitation (1.4K bytes). We will also propose a new method to divide WML documents.