Title: 網頁上表格填寫自動化的研究
Automation of Form Filling on Internet Webs
Authors: 黃聖懿
Shen-Yi Huang
Prof. Jenn-Hann Liou
Keywords: 填表;自動化;Form Filling;Automation
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 隨著網路的發達, 利用 Internet Explorer瀏覽網頁也變得
頻繁且方便, 而使用者也常常面臨要在網路上填寫表格或資料的
情形, 其中有很多所要求填寫的表格內容資料是相同的, 例如姓
本篇論文即在探討如何化簡使用者輸入相同資料的動作, 主
要使用了微軟所支援的Browser Helper Objects(BHO)配合XML、
DHTML等技術來實作, 讓使用者將資料以XML形式儲存之後, 再利
用BHO與IE溝通, 最後利用DHTML技術將資料填入。
It is everyone's daily experiemce to encounter forms on
Internet webs. You are requested to fill form when applying
for the membership of a credit card, filling your income tax
statement, etc. You find yourself repeatedly filling your
name, address, birthdate. It is time comsuming, as well as
It would be very helpful if we can design a scheme so that
we need only prepare our personal data once, and the machine
can do the rest. In this thesis, we propose to create personal
data in XML format, which is the most flexible ans popular
format for data storage. We find algorithms to locate input
fields in a web page and figure out what data items should be
entered in them.
Internet Explorer provides a plug-in framework called
Browser Helper Objects(BHO), which makes possible a seamless
interface to add functions to IE. We have implemented a BHO
to do automatic form filling. The result is quite a success.
The only drawback is that it can only be add to IE, not other
browsers such as Netscape Communicator.
Appears in Collections:Thesis