Title: 一個針對快取以使用者行為為基礎之預先擷取機制
An User-Behavior-Based Prefetch Mechanism for Caching
Authors: 王敏傑
Min-Chieh Wang
Chi-Chun Lo
Keywords: 代理伺服器;行為分類機制;快取;預先擷取;proxy server;habitual domain;prefetch;cache
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 在現行的網路環境中,代理伺服器(Proxy Server)扮演著一個十分重要角色,代理並管理使用者在用戶端之工作,除了可以統籌運用區域網路對外頻寬、對使用者進行控管、扮演防火牆角色,或甚至在無線網路環境中擔任通訊匝道等角色…等。在代理伺服器被賦予的任務中,快取(Cache)之功能扮演了舉足輕重的角色,快取效率的好壞,往往是代理伺服器良莠之指標。而一個好的快取系統設計,除了要有嚴謹與完整的功能架構之外,如果能夠加入人性的考量,甚至瞭解人類的想法,就能夠提昇其運作效能。以使用者行為為基礎之預先擷取機制,能夠讓快取之負擔減輕,且準確地預測使用者習慣與行為模式,捕捉使用者行為,讓使用者等待時間降低。本研究以使用者行為為基礎,利用習慣領域之學說將使用者分成「新手上路型」、「集中火力型」、「走馬看花型」與「網路新人類型」,針對不同類型的使用者進行分類。並以存取路徑紀錄方法紀錄每個使用者瀏覽網頁之歷史路徑,作為快取預先擷取機制之依據。為驗證本理論之可行性,將此使用者分類機制與預先擷取機制加入現行GNU一般公開授權版本之Squid代理伺服器中並進行效能評估,透過實驗所得數據,證明快取系統加入以使者行為為基礎之預先擷取機制後確實可以讓代理伺服器平均使用者等待時間減少36%、快取命中率提升10%,成功地增加了系統之快取效能。
Proxy server plays a very important role for internet access. It acts as an agent and resource manager for clients. Cache is key component of proxy server. It determinates the efficiency of proxy server. If we can take human behaviors into consideration, and integrate them into the design of a cache system, we may improve the performance of the cache system. In the paper, we propose an user-behavior-based prefetch mechanism to enhance the cache system. By predicting user behaviors, we may reduce the user’s idle time. This mechanism is based on the theory of habitual domain. Users are divided into four categories: “New User”, “Focus Accessing”, “Quick Glancing”, and “Internet New Type”. For the purpose of verifying the proposed mechanism, we develop a proxy server to evaluate the performance of the mechanism. By examing experimental results, we find that the user-behavior-based prefetch mechanism can reduce the average user waiting time by 36 percent, and increase the cache hit ratio of the cache system by 10 percent.
Appears in Collections:Thesis