Title: 二級式複金屬燈電子安定器之特性分析與補償設計
Characteristic Analysis and Compensation Design of Two Stage Electronic Ballast for Metal-Halide Lamp
Authors: 吳佳勳
Chia-Hsun Wu
Dr. Der-Cherng Liaw
Keywords: 高強度氣體放電燈;數位控制器;二級式電子安定器;低頻方波;HID;microcontroller;two stage ballast;low frequency square wave
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 高強度氣體放電燈(HID)具備照明度強、使用壽命長及高演色性等優點。而這其中尤以複金屬燈最能夠將上述之優點做一完美的呈現。因此在目前被視為是最理想的照明光源且於日常生活應用上取代過去傳統之鹵素燈。然而,為了使燈管可以快速的點亮。我們必須設計出一高效率同時具備完整控制方式之安定器電路。本論文將提供一個以數位控制器(Micro controller)為基礎架構之二級式電子安定器。並且針對過去的文獻中普遍缺乏之燈管暫態的負電阻特性進行探討與電路設計,同時精確的量化燈管於暫態點燈過程所需之時間,更以低頻方波之驅動信號來避免音頻共振所產生之影響。最後達到降低電路設計複雜度,減少成本輸出的目的。希望透過完整的實驗量測與特性分析,成為往後在HID燈安定器設計上參考的依據。
The High- Intensity- Discharge Lamps (HID), are notable for their high luminous efficacy, long life, and good color rendering. And the Metal halide lamps which have the best combination of the above properties. Therefore, they have replaced the conventional halogen headlamps in the application of daily life and are considered as the most ideal lighting sources at present. However, this lamp demands a highly efficient ballast and very completely control circuit that can achieve the function of fast turning on. This thesis will propose a microcontroller- based two stage ballast and the major issue of it is to discuss the lamp negative incremental impedance during the transient time. Try to quantify the value of the transient exactly. And avoid the acoustic problem with low frequency square wave. Finally reduce the complexity of the circuit and realize the destination of cost down successfully. Hope the results can provide guidance in the ballast design.
Appears in Collections:Thesis