Title: 抗諧振反射光波導陣列波導光柵波長
Investigation on ARROW-based AWG Demultiplexers
Authors: 楊益豪
Yi-Hao Yang
Yang-Tung Huang
Keywords: 抗諧振反射光波導;陣列波導光柵;ARROW;AWG;arrayed-waveguide grating
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本論文研究抗諧振反射光波導陣列波導光柵波長解多工器元件。利用多層模理論和有效折射係數法來分析及設計抗諧振反射光波導結構,然後利用波束傳輸法 (Beam Propagation Method) 來模擬抗諧振反射光波導陣列波導光柵元件。利用這些分析工具設計了在矽基片上具有16個頻道、頻道間距為200 GHz、中心波長工作在1550.92 nm的抗諧振反射光波導陣列波導光柵波長解多工元件。此元件中心波長的損耗為0.41 dB,外圍波長的損耗為1.59 dB,而3dB 頻帶的寬度為0.71 nm。
In this studies, we investigate the ARROW-based AWG devices. The multilayer theory and Effective Index Method are used to analyze the ARROW structures. Then the Beam Propagation Method is used to simulate the performance of the ARROW-based AWG devices. Using these analyzing tools, we design a 16-channel ARROW-based AWG demultiplexer with 200-GHz spacing for 1550.92-nm operation on a Si substrate. The losses for the central and outer wavelengths are 0.41 and 1.59 dB, respectively. The 3-dB bandwidth is 0.71 nm.
Appears in Collections:Thesis