標題: 八位元互補式金氧半子區間式類比至數位轉換器
8-bit CMOS Subranging Analog-to-Digital Converter
作者: 尤寶勳
Bau-Shiun Yu
Jiin-Chuan Wu
關鍵字: 八位元;子區間;類比至數位轉換器;約略比較器;精密比較器;數位錯誤修正電路;P型金氧半電容;8-bit;subranging;ADC;coarse comparator;fine comparator;digital error correction circuit;PMOS capacitor
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本論文描述一個3.3V,8位元,50M sample/s的類比至數位轉換器。其輸入電壓範圍為 0V~1.024V。整體架構採用子區間式(subranging)實現,因此不需要高增益頻寬的運算放大器(operational amplifier)。基本結構包含了一個外掛運算放大器作為取樣/保持電路(S/H),約略比較器(coarse comparator),精密比較器(fine comparator),參考電壓產生器(reference voltage generator),數位錯誤修正電路(digital error correction circuit),時脈產生器(clock generator)。電路操作上,首先由取樣/保持電路對輸入訊號作取樣,接下來則約略與精密比較器同時從取樣/保持電路輸出中取樣,其中31個約略比較器產生前5位元,15個精密比較器產生剩下的3位元,由8個精密比較器的結果控制數位錯誤修正電路來修正前5位元,最後得到八位元輸出。此類比數位轉換器使用TSMC 1P4M 0.35微米製程,並以混合訊號全客戶式佈局實現。由於金屬電容占大面積,因此所有電容皆以P型金氧半電晶體替代,所以晶片總面積只有1.5mm x 1.5mm。最後經由HSPICE模擬驗證,在50MHz取樣頻率下可達8位元解析度,在工作電壓3.3V下,總功率消耗約為64mW。
The thesis describes a 3.3V, 8-bit, 50M sample/s analog-to-digital converter. The input voltage range is 0V~1.024V. The ADC is implemented by the subranging architecture, so high gain-bandwidth operational amplifier (OP) is not needed. The architecture includes an external OP used to be a S/H, coarse comparators, fine comparators, reference voltage generator, digital error correction circuit, and clock generator. In the operation flow, the 5-bit MSBs are generated from 31 coarse comparators first, and the other 3 bits are generated from 15 fine comparators. Then, from the results of 8 fine comparators, the 5-bit MSBs are corrected by the digital error correction circuit to get final 8-bit output. The ADC is implemented by TSMC 1P4M 0.35um process and mixed-signal full custom layout is applied. The PMOS is used to be capacitor since the metal capacitor occupies larger area. So the chip area is only 1.5mm x 1.5mm. The ADC is verified to achieve 8-bit resolution at 50MHz sampling rate by HSPICE simulation. Under the condition of 3.3V power supply, the total power consumption is about 64mW.