标题: 以垂直正交分频分码多工调变为基础之下链接收机架构之设计
A Study on Downlink Receiver Design for OFDM/CDMA-based Mobile Communication System
作者: 王玫玲
Mei-Ling Wang
Chia-Chi Huang
公开日期: 2001
摘要: 下一代的蜂巢式行动通讯系统必须提供高速资讯传输之无线网路应用。而最可能使用之无线多重进阶方式为OFDM/CDMA。这篇论文将介绍OFDM/CDMA下链接收机之基频架构设计以期达到高资料传输速率之要求并探讨OFDM/CDMA系统效能。这套系统除了具有基频讯号侦测功能,还包含以领航讯号(pilot signal)来实现通道估计之功能。讯号侦测的部分需要设计一个通道等化器与决策器。其中通道等化器主要有最大比例合并等化器(Maximum ratio combination)、强制归零等化器(Zero forcing)、部份等化器(Partial equalizer)、最小均方差等化器(MMSE)与相同增益合并等化器(Equal gain combination)等五种。本论文将研究各种等化器之效能以应用在下链接收机之架构。在通道估计方面我们是使用一已知的领航讯号,利用FFT匹配滤波器(FFT Match filter)观念与移动平均的技术来完成。本论文另外会再比较OFDM/CDMA下链接收机与CDMA下链接收机之异同并以电脑模拟此二系统在数种通道下的效能。
The next generation cellular mobile communication system will provide high data rate for internet service. One of the most promising multiple access methods in the next generation system is the OFDM/CDMA. This thesis proposes an OFDM/CDMA downlink baseband receiver architecture for high data rate transmission and discusses the system performance. This receiver architecture includes a baseband signal detection and a channel estimation. We use a pilot signal to estimate the channel. For signal detection, we design a channel equalizer and a signal decision method. The channel equalizer has five methods: Maximum ration combining, Zero forcing, Partial equalizer, MMSE(Minimum mean square error) and Equal gain combining. The performances of these five kinds of channel matching methods are shown in the thesis. Furthermore, we use a pilot signal with FFT based matched filters and moving average unit to estimate channel response.
We also compare the OFDM/CDMA downlink baseband receiver architecture with a CDMA downlink baseband receiver architecture. The performance of the systems are simulated by computer under several channel models.