Title: 國內公用事業導入電子帳單呈遞支付服務(EBPP)概況分析及其關鍵成功因素之研究
A Study on the Critical Success Factors of adopting Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) in Public Utilities
Authors: 陳馥銘
Fu-ming Chen
Jaw-Ming Chen
Keywords: 關鍵成功因素(Critical Success Factors, CSF);電子帳單呈遞支付服務(Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment, EBPP);Critical Success Factors (CSF);Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP)
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 電子帳單呈遞支付服務(Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment,EBPP),是將消費者的帳單透過網際網路展現在客戶面前,同時結合電子付款機制,讓消費者輕鬆而方便處理各式帳單。
本研究主要在於探討公用事業導入電子帳單呈遞支付服務,其影響成敗的關鍵因素為哪些等相關問題,藉由蒐集與歸納EBPP相關的理論及文獻,探討EBPP的意義、經營模式、參與角色、演進與影響、產業現況及未來發展,進行瞭解EBPP的服務啟動、帳單呈遞、帳單支付等運作機制,並就國內產業現況進行分析,提出討論課題及問題考量。除了次級資料蒐集分析,同時對國內大型公用事業及發展EBPP應用軟體服務供應商進行實地訪談,以研究國內公用事業導入EBPP之關鍵成功因素(Critical Success Factors,CSF),提供推展EBPP的參考依據及努力方向。
本研究對公用事業提出之建議為:1.EBPP是電子商務的衍生應用之一,公用事業的e化應持續進行;2.先打開消費者使用習性,提高見光度、採用率;3. 節省成本、增進效益為驅動因素,結盟合作推動無紙帳單。
Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) is the electronic presentation of statements, bills, invoices, and related information sent by a company to its customers, and corresponding payment for goods or services.
The research focuses on the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of adopting EBPP in Public Utilities, discusses what is EBPP, and how EBPP works. The research explores three operating models and four key building blocks of EBPP, tries to point several issues of initiating the service, presenting the bill, paying the bill, and serving customer.
EBPP is still in relative infancy, the options and opportunities for EBPP will continue to expand. After interview of four utility companys and two consolidators, the research finds three major operation problems of EBPP in Taiwan: 1. scarce availability and low adoption rate of consumers; 2. lack of authentication method for service enrollment; 3. lack of willingness for partnerships.
The thesis concludes the following key factors of adopting EBPP: 1. support from senior executive; 2. implement policy of user authentication; 3. service function and convenience for customers; 4. support from related suppliers; 5. development of system and operation model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis