Title: | 電力品質與電價相關問題探討─以科學園區為例 A Study about the Relation between Power Quality and Rate |
Authors: | 李鈴惠 Lin-hui Lee 張保隆 Dr. Pao-long Chang 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 電力品質;分級電價;power quality;electric rates |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 電力品質的良窳,除了須有充足的電源外,還須有堅強的輸、變、配電網路系統,及良好的運轉維護。電力品質需求標準越高,供電系統須增加的設備就越多。由於電力設備的投資金額均相當龐大,而電業是公用事業,其電費的收入必須能回收投資成本並獲取合理利潤,才能繼續開發電源及改善供電系統,持續提供用戶質優、價廉、可靠的電力,所以品質與電價必須取得平衡。
基於上述原因,本研究建議:電價的訂定應將品質因子計入,即分級電價的分類除了考量發電成本的不同,也要計入供電成本的差異。所以提出考慮電力品質的電價公式,將其餘成本﹝包括發電、售電、管理等﹞與供電成本﹝輸、變、配電等網路設備﹞分開,其餘成本部分仍照目前定價處理方式來處理,至於供電成本部分則照用戶受益情形加以區別,也就是依照輸電系統規劃準則興建的網路設備費用由全體用戶來分擔,但針對為滿足某地區用戶特殊品質所增加網路設備的投資成本,則應該只由該地區用戶來分攤。此增加部分投資成本的分攤,為符合使用者付費的公平原則,採取將其依會計處理原則算出每年應回收的費用,再將其分攤到該區用戶的流動電費上,但同一區用戶這一部分是採單一定價。 Owing to the on-going improvement of economy, electricity becomes more important to us than ever before. In the past, we only used electricity to light the dark; but now, we use it to make many apparatuses run, including computer, TV sets and many other electrical machines. In order to make these machinery work properly, we need more reliable, stable electric power, especially high technical industrial customers. Wanting to have high quality power, we need not only to have plenty of power supply, but also to have strong transmission and distribution network system. However, the infrastructure of a power system is no doubt costly. As the power company is a public utility, and in order to finance further development, it must get reasonable profit from the electric rates. For this reason, we must balance out the power quality and rates. The high technical customers in scientific park need higher power quality than other customers. Therefore, the power company has paid a lot of efforts to improve the strength of their power supply network system for the hi-tech clients to lure their continued investment. At present, the rates of electricity do not take into account the differences of the different services among various clients. It’s not fair, especially after power deregulation. This study proposes a model to resettle electric rates. The model takes the differences of power quality into account as well. The proposed formula suggests that the power company separates the extra investment for some customers from other costs and this extra investment shall be paid by the particular customers. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/69048 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |