標題: 不同程度產品知識及多重外在提示對網路購物意願之影響
Effects of Consumer's Product Knowledge and Extrinsic Cues on Internet Purchasing
作者: 楊正瑀
Cheng-Yu Yang
Dr. Tzong-Yau Chu
關鍵字: 客觀產品知識;外在提示;網路品牌;消費者行為;Objective Knowledge;Extrinsic Cues;Web Brand;Consumer Behavior
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 在瞬息萬變的網路商業環境中,B2C型態之企業欲在日益激烈的競爭下達成持續獲利及永續經營之目標,首要之務即為掌握網路的消費者行為,並據此擬定適合網路消費的產品、定價、促銷、通路策略。因此本研究以台灣地區網路使用者為調查對象,探討在網路環境中擁有不同產品知識的消費者其網路購物意願是否會因自身的產品知識不同而異,並選取價格、網路品牌二項變數作為多重外在提示,研究客觀產品知識與外在提示間之交互作用以及對消費者網路購物意願之影響。 研究結果發現網路購物主要階層為25~34歲的青年族群,而對網路環境熟悉度越高之網路使用者其使用網路進行購物行為之可能性也相對越高。網路購物經驗可有效降低知覺風險,而網路購物經驗亦會影響網路使用者的知覺品質。此外,價格提示對知覺價值及購買意願影響較強,而網站名稱提示則對知覺品質影響較強。 本研究證實了外在提示對於具有中度及高產品知識之網路使用者有較為顯著的影響,對低產品知識之網路使用者的影響則較不顯著。因此,管理者應針對不同程度產品知識的網路使用者提供不同之網站內容與產品資訊,以配合網路使用者之需求。
Under changeable circumstance of E-Commerce, the most important thing for the on-line B2C company is to know well about the consumer behavior of on-line shopping. For the purpose to earn profit and run business continually, administrators should launch appropriate products and adopt efficient promotion strategies on right price and right place based on consumer behavior. Thus, this study focuses on the web user in Taiwan as the sample group and examined how consumers affected by extrinsic cues and product knowledge. The research involves the variable 「Objective Knowledge」and chooses 「Price」and 「Web Brand」 as the extrinsic cues. The research showed that most of those who have experience of on-line shopping are people between 25~34 years old. The more familiar of the internet environment, the more often they shop on-line. The previous experience of on-line shopping can help reduce consumers’ perceived risk. It also shows that the previous experience of on-line shopping influence consumers’ perceived quality. Price has strong effects on perceived value and willing to buy likewise web brand affect perceived quality. Finally, this study proved that extrinsic cues have large effects on web users with middle and high product knowledge, but have small effects on those with low product knowledge. Therefore executives should provide different web-site content and product information to fit individual needs of web users with different knowledge.
Appears in Collections:Thesis