標題: 百貨業不同產品類別之促銷活動對消費者購買意向影響之研究
The Effect of Sales Promotion of Different Product Categories in Department Stores on Consumer Purchasing Intention
作者: 蔡玫芳
Mei-Fang Tsai
Tzong-Yau Chu
關鍵字: 百貨業;產品類別;促銷活動;購買意向;Department Store;Product Categories;Sales Promotion;Purchase Intention
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 由於百貨業競爭激烈,促使業者競相推出各式各樣的促銷花招,來吸引消費者購買;但在眾多的促銷活動中,究竟什麼樣的促銷方法才能有效刺激消費者的購買欲望?而百貨公司各樓層所販賣的商品皆不同,消費者是否會因為所面對的產品不同,而對各促銷活動所產生的購買意向有所不同?而這些不同產品之促銷活動的適用性是否與人口統計變數有關?這些問題即是本研究所欲探討的重點,而根據研究的結果將對台灣百貨業者提出具體的促銷建議。 以下將研究結論摘要如下: 在產品部分:整體而言,降價在五種產品的購買意向上都是最高的,而惠顧酬賓及抽獎活動都是最低的。至於贈品、折價券、試用樣品及加量不加價包裝,則因產品的不同而有所不同。而人口統計變數部分:消費者購買意向在性別、年齡、教育程度及婚姻狀況上有顯著的差異。(1)女性對促銷的購買意向平均高於男性。(2)消費者的購買意向有隨著年齡下降的趨勢。(3)教育程度在國中以下的族群,對促銷活動的購買意向明顯低於其他教育程度的族群。(4)未婚族群對於試用樣品有較高的購買意向。
Due to highly competitive nature of department stores, vendors execute and implement a wide variety of promotional plans to attract consumers. Among these numerous promotions, what will be the most effective method to stimulate consumers to make purchases? Different categories of merchandise are sold on different floors in department stores. Will different sales promotion for different product categories affect consumer’s purchase intention? Is understanding of consumer demographic related to develop a suitable sales promotion for different product categories? This research is designed to answer above questions. The conclusion of this research will provide specific sales- promotion suggestions to department stores. The research conclusion is summarized as following: First,generally, price-off promotes higher purchase intention on all 5 products. In contrast, patronage rewards and sweepstakes promotional methods have the lowest consumer purchase intention. The effectiveness of sampling, coupons and bonus packs methods vary with different product categories. Second,demographic such as sex, age, education and marital status exhibit significant differences in consumer purchase intention.