Title: 典型模型和單率模型間不阻塞性質蘊含關係之研究
A Study of Nonblockingness Implication Between the Classical and the One-rate Model
Authors: 陳文瑞
Wen-Ruei Chen
Frank Hwang
Keywords: 典型模型;單率模型;緊不阻塞;寬不阻塞;可重排不阻塞;classical model;1-rate model;strictly nonblocking;wide-sense nonblocking;rearrangeable nonblocking
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 傳統上交叉器網路有三種不阻塞性質:緊不阻塞、寬不阻塞和可重排不阻塞。考慮網路在典型模型和單率模型上,問:若其中一模型有某一不阻塞性質,則在另一模型上是否也有同一阻塞性質。我們整理了文獻中對這三個問題的零散探討,也加入我們自己的一些結果。
Traditionally, there are three kinds of Nonblockingness: strictly nonblocking, wide-sense nonblocking and rearrangeable nonblocking. Consider a network in either the classical or the one-rate model. We study the problem whether a nonblocking property in one model implies the same in the other. We sent out the scattered literature on this problem, and add some results of our own to provide a framework for future study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis