標題: 探討聲音屬性對於階層性網頁架構之對應關係
Mapping between the Properties of Sound and the Hierarchical Webpages
作者: 黃冠華
Huang Kuan-hua
關鍵字: 聲音;空間感;網頁迷失;網路空間
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 網路空間中的活動是我們實體世界的延伸,隨著網路的擴張,我們可以探索的空間也將更加遼闊。然而,由於新的探索方式,與我們實體世界的互動方式有著顯著的差異,在網路空間中,我們不再經由全部的感官來體驗環境;我們的思考方式也不再侷限著線性的模式,取而代之的是跳躍的思維、多元的選擇。在這樣的環境下,產生了許多新的問題,而其中非常重要的問題之一,就是在網路空間中所產生『迷失』的問題。
Activities in cyberspace are extensions to those in our physical world. With the expansion and development of the Internet, space we are able to explore is becoming wider. However, the way in which we explore in cyberspace is obviously different from that we use to interact in the physical world. In cyberspace we can no longer experience the environment through every part of our sensory organs. Nor is our way of thinking restricted in a linear one. Instead, people have more likely a jumping way of thinking and diversified choices in the virtual world. Under this circumstance, there have been lots of new problems, and one of the most critical problems is disorientation in the cyberspace.
There are many possible ways to enhance users’ sense of direction in the cyberspace. In this thesis we propose that by the utilization of sound we can assist users to know their position in cyberspace during the browsing. In this research, we design an experiment, in which there’re two variables, sound attribute and the difference of interaction between voice factors, to investigate if users’ grasp of the sound attributes and way of interaction users are able to recognize would help them to confirm the relational position in the cyberspace.
Finally, the experiment result shows that by inserting meaningful sounds we can enhance people’s sense of direction in the virtual cyberspace. People are able to know how deep they are in hierarchical webpages through the change of tempo. They can also relate different groups to different timbres. The theory and results we have derived about the mapping between properties of sound and hierarchical webpages can be applied in future internet applications to indicate the position and direction in the hierarchical information structure.