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dc.contributor.authorYu-Chih Tsaien_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Tien-Chun Chang Wangen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以「台灣視覺設計師之實務歷程」為研究主題,目的在於探討台灣視覺設計師的實務經驗脈絡以及發掘視覺設計實務歷程的現象為何。研究實施透過資深視覺設計師之開放性深度訪談,並以紮根理論研究方法進行訪談資料的譯碼與解析。綜合研究結果為: 1. 視覺設計師之實務歷程由「創意執行歷程」、「專案互動歷程」、「個人內化歷程」三種歷程所構成。 2. 創意執行歷程是視覺設計師與作品的互動過程,設計師經由設計脈絡的建構至轉化以完成設計作品;作品是設計師的能力表徵,其正面評價影響設計師對設計專業的動力。 3. 專案互動歷程是視覺設計師與人際的互動過程,其具有來回試驗的現象,此為影響工作效率以及設計師負面感受的主因;視覺設計師在互動之中並採用因應策略,以達成專案任務以及個人的工作適應。 4. 個人內化歷程是視覺設計師與自我的對話過程,設計師經歷外在與內在的角色認知並採取自我提昇的策略,因應設計環境以及提昇自我的專業層次。 5. 當探討視覺設計專業能力時,不可忽略設計師對設計作品、與人際互動、以及角色思維的層面。 6. 影響實務歷程的因子,包括與設計師直接相關以及設計師無法直接掌握的外來因素,設計師因應實務歷程的務實作法可採用反求諸己的方式進行。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this study is “professional practice process of visual designers in Taiwan”. The main objective was to explore the context of visual designers’ professional practice experience and to find out the phenomenon within it. Conducting an open and depth-end interview with the selected senior designers was the implementation of this study. The data was coded analyzed by grounded theory method. Major findings are as below. 1. The professional practice process of visual designers consists of “creative execution process”, “project interaction process” and “designers’ inner-self process”. 2. Designers interact with projects within the creative execution process. At first designers construct the design context than continue to visualize and to finalize the works. Final out come of a project reflects designers’ abilities to solve problems. A positive feedback will affect designers’ motivation towards his/her professional career. 3. Designers interact with others who are involved in the same design projects within the project interaction process. Due to the potential differences in design directions that resulted in projects going back and forth amount designers. This is the main reason that influences the overall efficiency of the manpower and creates negative feelings among designers. Designers tend to take some responding strategies to achieve the assessments as well as to adapt to the reality of this professional life. 4. Designers interact with himself within the designers’ inner process. They experience the role of being them and tend to adapt to the self-improvement strategies to respond to the design environment and to improve their professional skills as well. 5.A designers competence should be measured by the quality of his/her work as well as his /her ability to interact with other designers and clients. 6. The reasons that affect professional practice process include the inability of a designer him/herself as well as unexpected uncontrollable outside influences. To maintain their professional career, it is practical for designers to improve themselves first.en_US
dc.subjectvisual designeren_US
dc.subjectprofessional practiceen_US
dc.titleA Study of Professional Practice Process of Visual Designers in Taiwanen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis