標題: 都會大眾運輸系統整合之研究
The Research of Commuter for Mass Trainsit System
作者: 李建佑
Jain-You Lee
Ming-Chuen Chuang
關鍵字: 通勤運輸;小型車;大眾捷運;都會運輸;交通工具設計;Commuter Transit;micro car;transportation design;mass rapid transit system;electric car
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 私人運輸工具的過度成長和不當使用﹐在各國以及台灣官方運輸評估報告中﹐己經被運輸研究學者認定為都市交通無法改善的最主要原因。雖然在運輸學的觀點﹐認為都市私人車輛之成長﹐可以靠建立高運量捷運系統來抑制﹐因而都市交通擁塞的問題可以獲得解決。截至目前為止﹐在各大都會區中﹐高運量的大眾捷運系統,己經被大量地發展建造和營運﹐但是都市居民們卻仍然得面對都市道路上擁塞的車陣﹐和嚴重的空污及噪音。而汽車設計長期以來﹐並不被認為是解決都市交通問題的一種途徑﹐而純粹以刺激消費、促進銷售為目的﹐是造成私人車輛成長的一個主因。因此本設計創作嘗試透過運輸學的角度﹐歸納出解決都市交通問題所要掌握的要點﹐以及未能突破的部分﹐再以工業設計的方法重新對私人運具以及大眾運輸系統作出新提案。 本次設計創作分成三個階段﹐第一階段為了解一般大眾運輸學﹐解決都市交通問題的對策知識和限制﹐包括大眾運輸工具種類及特性、長短期發展策略。第二階段為整理近年都市交通問題相關報告研究﹐如年度運輸評估報告、都會區小型汽車與機車持有與數量成長調查、行車使用型態。從公共運輸理論、現行運輸政策和系統不能有效解決都市交通問題的現象中﹐我們將找出癥結來作為本設計第三階段的設計參考依據﹐以私人運具做為基礎﹐作出修正或與大眾運輸結合運作﹐期望保留私人運輸直達性、自主性的優點﹐並利用大眾運輸系統專用路權、快速、大量運輸的模式﹐以使都市路面車輛數量減少。並以電腦媒材輔助設計過程,來提出1~3個建議提案。表達型式以公共或私人運具設計圖面、模型為主。
The overly growth rate and undue using of personal transportation had regarded as the major factors resulting the urban traffic problem now. Mass rapid transit system maybe an answer. Although we built many advanced mass rapid transit systems for many cities in the past, the urban people still facing the air pollution and noise from the traffic. Transportation design was used to be a kind of method to stimulate the consumption,not a solution for the problem. So we try to find the true causes and bottleneck of the existed technology in transport-research vision, and submit new proposals for how to combine personal transportation and mass rapid transit in industrial design method. The design process will be divided into 3 phases﹕ (1) Understand the general transportation technology and strategy. (2) Investigate the related transportation evaluating reports and white paper in the lately 10 years. Analyze to conclude the crux of traffic problem. (3) Base on above result to submit 1~3 proposals. For experiment the possibility and value of digital design, the digital media would be used as the major medium to aid design. All design ideas will be developed and evaluated in virtual reality space. The final design result still will be expressed in both traditional and digital ways, include renderings、digital models and scaled physical models of new transportation.