Title: 起重機吊掛物姿態控制裝置與安全脫落裝置之製作
The Fabrication of Attitude Control and Safety Released Devices for Crane’s Payload
Authors: 林高生
Kaosheng Lin
Dr. Jin-Chern Chiou
Keywords: 起重機;起重機吊掛物姿態控制裝置;吊掛物安全脫落裝置;Tower Crane;Payload Attitude Control Device;Payload Safety Released Device
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 在大型建築工地上,經常看到許多吊掛物經由起重機運送到定位,可是當吊掛物到達定點之後,往往不是施工上所需的位置,故還需要現場工作人員來幫忙調整吊掛物到最適當的角度;若施工位置常在高處不易攀爬的地方,對於現場工作人員來說,這樣的工作環境不但困難而且又充滿危險性。另外由於吊掛物的體積和重量通常都相當龐大,所以若是吊掛物發生脫落,往往引起重大的人員傷亡。
Tower crane is an important equipment for heavy load/container transported in construction sites and harbors. When the heavy load arrives at its target position, the attitude of the payload is frequently not at its demanded orientation. When this happens, it requires the worker to adjust the attitude of the payload in the working site. These dangerous works may endanger the life of the worker. To improve safety and increase the crane working speed, the first goal of this thesis is to develop a remote control and monitoring device. This device possesses the capability of adjusting the attitude of heavy load after it arrives at its position. Safety and applicability of the devices will be the major goal of this thesis.
The second goal of this thesis is to develop a payload safety released device for tower crane. The purpose of the device is to transport the payload safely and successfully to the desired location and release the payload automatically under the supervision of the worker. Currently, most of the existing payload-released-devices are operated manually, which may invoke inconveniences and dangers during the operations in construction sites. The purpose of the paper is to develop a remote control payload-released-device that can reduce the operation time. Furthermore, operators can manipulate the device at a far distance that can prevent dangers and decrease the case of occupational disaster. In addition, the lack mechanical cable as the traditional device can increase the efficiency and working feasibility for different working conditions. Thus, the thesis focuses on researching for different designs that are convenient, easy to manufacture, safe, and low cost.
Since the prototypes of these devices have been accomplished in 1998 and 1999, the purpose of this thesis is to manufacture a series of realistic devices by improving the drawbacks we have discovered during the process in previous researches. The payload we propose for our design is 100kg and we simulate the payload over 500kg to ensure the device’s feasibility. We redesign and manufacture the realistic devices for the use in real construction sites.
Appears in Collections:Thesis