Title: 成功的新產品開發模式研究
The Study of a Successful New Product Development Model
Authors: 蔣維理
Wei-Li Chiang
Chih-Young Hung
Keywords: 新產品開發;新產品;模式;成功關鍵因素;產品策略;認知價值;企業價值;new product development;NPD;new product;model;key success factor;product strategy;perceived value;corporate value
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 新產品開發是企業為創造企業價值所採行的重要策略之一,如今在面對快速變化與動態的環境之下,國內企業唯有以積極的創新精神,不斷研發新的技術、開發新的產品、提高產品的附加價值,才能為企業創造更高的價值。然而新產品開發的過程繁瑣,影響因素眾多,其中又分為成功的關鍵因素與導致失敗的因素,因而有學者研究新產品開發的權變模式,提醒注意事項,免蹈失敗命運。 本研究以新產品開發的主要構面,結合了新產品成功關鍵的因素,而形成一個改革式新產品開發模式。希望藉由簡單的邏輯,將複雜的新產品開發相關因素予以單純化,以簡易的模式指引新產品開發的目標與策略性行進路徑,並提供產業界作為新產品開發的策略性思考工具。 本研究以焦點小組討論方式,吸取新產品開發專家對此一模式的看法,同時並以三個新產品發開發個案來分析評估此一模式的周延性。經由三個個案的分析探討,本研究可以歸納下述幾點結論與建議: 1. 本研究所提出的模式以客戶認知價值成為新產品開發的一項衡量的指標,使新產品開發成為追求卓越的動力源。 2. 藉助個案的探討與焦點小組的討論,本研究提出改革式新產品開發模式之中三個構面的相對重要性的建議,可協助經營者面對新產品開發之資源投入與發展方向作出正確的的決策。 3. 後續研究可進一步研究改革式新產品開發模式之中各個區塊以三個構面的變數,探討各種新產品開發形式所可能帶來的企業價值。 4. 後續研究可就本研究所提出的改革式新產品開發模式的三主軸的變化,分析比較各個行進路徑及其可能為企業所創造的價值。
New product development (NPD) is one of the most important strategies that company implemented for creating enterprise value. Phasing rapid changing and dynamic environments, local industries have no choices but to conduct NPD through innovation to enhance product added values. However NPD process is tedious and can be influenced by various factors. Some of the factors that may lead to product success. Some of them, on the hand, may lead to product failure. Therefore a number of literature exists that deal with NPD contingency model to remind NPD project managers watch for factors that may lead to failure. This study implement a contextual model structured by three variables. They are product innovation, customer perceived value and existing/new markets. The idea of the study is to introduce a simplified NPD model that could guide managers think strategically and provide them an orientation that leads to success NPD. Through a focus group discussion and three case studies to review the proposed contextual model, the study has concluded as follows: 1. The proposed contextual model that takes into account customer perceived value would provide a better measure for a successful NPD. 2. The proposed contextual model that consists of product innovation, customer perceived value and existing/new markets would assist managers to make a justifiable decision toward success. 3. The study also indicates that future studies may look into the value of each context and the path each context could take.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文