標題: 探討台商企業赴大陸投資之環境與遭遇困難-以長江三角洲高科技產業為例
The investment environment and the difficulties encountered by Taiwanese enterprises operating in Mainland China, a study on hi-tech industry in the Delta of Changjiang River
作者: 林賢光
Hsien-Kuang Lin
Dr. Benjamin J. C. Yuan
關鍵字: 大陸投資;高科技企業;Mainland investment;hi-tech enterprise
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 摘要 近年來由於台灣產業結構調整的影響、大陸地區的投資優惠與大陸地區潛在的龐大商機,致使台商企業紛紛前進大陸進行設廠投資以確保競爭力與在大陸市場的佔有率;同時,為順應兩岸加入WTO,以及全球經濟國際化的趨勢,大型企業與上市公司亦紛紛前往大陸投資,做為它們全球化佈局的重要據點之一。然而,在對大陸地區投資相關之資訊不足,對於大陸地區的投資環境與風險不瞭解情況下,許多台商往往在赴大陸投資時,遇到許多經營上的困境。 本研究以台商高科技企業為例,利用個案研究方式對大陸地區的投資環境與風險進行深入整理分析,經由對大陸投資環境之認識,增加台商企業赴大陸投資成功機率。在研究過程中,本研究歸納出台商高科技企業在大陸進行投資活動所遭遇的七大主要困境分別為:人力資源管理問題、貨款回收不易、貨物通關時間冗長、法規體系的龐雜與更動頻繁、智慧財產權欠缺保護、非法走私嚴重、市場分散行銷不易等。並藉由個案企業之高階主管與大陸投資相關領域專家之深入訪談加以提出適當的對策與建議。 本研究也整理出大陸高新技術開發區高級主管對台商的建言分別為:尊重各經濟開發區之運作模式、註冊資本能及時到位、了解與執行各項法規、多親自考察了解投資環境、選擇性價比最優而非最便宜的開發區、台籍幹部加班非常普遍影響健康、勿誇大計劃投資額等,可提供欲赴大陸投資台商參考。 關鍵字:大陸投資、高科技企業
Abstract The industrial structure change in Taiwan, the investment incentives of China, and the huge business potentials of Mainland market allured Taiwanese enterprises to invest and to move their operations to China. With this move, these Taiwanese enterprises were hoping that their business competitiveness can be kept and a good market share can be guaranteed. The joining of WTO of Taiwan and China and the trend of globalization also urge big Taiwanese enterprises and public companies to invest in China to build operational bases for their multinational businesses. However, with insufficient knowledge on investment regulations and investment risks in China, these enterprises often encountered many operational difficulties. This research, using hi-tech Taiwanese enterprises as case study examples, investigates the investment environment and investment risks of business operating in China and concludes seven major difficultes encountered by them: problems in personnel management, difficulty in retrieving payments, lengthy customs, regulation confusion and inconsistency, lack of protection in intellectual property, serious illegeal smuggling, and ineffective marketing due to spreading markets. After in depth interviews, this research proposes measures suggested by executives from case study companies and Mainland investment experts. This research also offers advice giving from high ranking executives from Mainland Hi-tech Industry Technology Development Zone to Taiwanese companies planning to do business in China. The pieces advice are : respecting individual development zone operations, realizing registered capital amount, understanding and observing relative regulations, investigating in person the investment environment, selecting development zone with best performance/cost ratio rather than the cheapest, being aware of Taiwanese employee health problem resulting from long overtime, and avoiding exaggerating investment capital figures. Key words:Mainland investment、hi-tech enterprise