標題: 動態模式下的知識管理策略意涵- 以工研院為例
Dynamic Modeling of Knowledge Management Strategic Implications and Case Study of ITRI
作者: 朱玫黛
Debbie Chu
Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 工研院、知識管理策略、AHP、模糊多準則決策評估、知識管理關鍵成功因素;ITRI, Knowledge Management Strategy, AHP, Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Evaluation Approach, KM Key Success Factor
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 所在多有,但論述如何推動組織知識管理,兼顧策略面與作業面的探討則較少。本研究以筆者躬逢其盛實際參與工研院如何在顧問公司的協助下導入知識管理,雖然只進行至領航階段,但深信對有心導入知識管理的知識型服務業而言,具一定之參考價值。且對實際案例的觀察分析,從知識管理之推動理念與策略意涵,期望提供企業於推動知識管理實務時最佳典範之參考,藉以深思為什麼需要執行知識管理、知識管理面臨的挑戰、以及如何運用IT技術推動知識管理,還有企業組織面對知識管理該有的策略。 本研究乃運用環境、組織、競合之策略分析模式,探討在不同生命週期推動知識管理的理念及策略意涵,並嘗試囊括羅略知識管理重要理論精華於文獻探討中,可一窺知識管理之全貌,即為以資訊與知識的創造,建置,擴散及分配為主要價值。進而充分運用或密集研發及相關科技,以有效組織並長期持續進行知識創新、累積智慧財產權、並藉以獲取最佳經營利潤的產業。 本研究兼容並蓄質化與量化之研究分析,除上述質化之個案研討外,並以量化方式探討知識管理關鍵成功因素。先採專家意見法,與知識管理專家從理論與實務的觀點,就知識管理關鍵成功因素,以腦力激盪之方式廣泛討論後,歸納出「組織文化」」、「知識內容」、「工作流程」與「資訊科技」之四大構面,並細分為十六個準則作為本研究分析的基礎。再運用層級分析法(AHP)設計問卷,針對工研院及科學園區高科技產業進行問卷調查,評量企業成功導入知識管理的各構面與重要度,以及知識管理系統使用者在各準則下對組織知識管理系統的滿意程度。 量化結論為本研究總計發出120份問卷,回收 87 份、有效問卷 65 份。研究結果顯示:不論管理階層、工程研究人員、企劃行政人員,所評量構面相對重要性(權重),皆以組織文化的權重(0.362)最高,知識內容的權重(0.252)次之,工作流程的權重(0.205) 再次之,資訊科技的權重(0.182)最低。知識管理系統使用者對組織知識管理系統的滿意度亦以資訊科技下之準則,如系統架構設計、分類檢索功能、線上學習網路以及知識流程中的交流協調機制等最低。本研究結果建議有意實行組織知識管理的企業,宜多加強相關配套措施之設計,提昇員工對組織知識管理系統的滿意度,以落實知識管理績效,從而強化組織競爭力,期望形成KM最佳實務,以作為知識型產業未來擬定組織知識管理策略或進行實務改善之參考,藉以提昇整體經營績效。
Knowledge Management (KM) has played a critical role in the past decade. Most of KM articles, however, focused on the theory study without many operations and strategic aspects. This study attempts to analyze key success factors of knowledge management in an organization by using AHP and Fuzzy Multi-criteria Evaluation Approach. After reviewing the literature, we use an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the weighting of 4 dimensions and 16 criteria by categorizing the evaluators into 3 groups of management class, research engineers and planning administrators. It further considers the possibility of “fuzzy logic” in making the subjective judgement, and applies a fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation of the satisfaction level of KM operators at ITRI and several high-tech companies in the Hsinchu Science-based Park. From the results of the study, we suggest that the criteria of information networks, such as KM architecture design, data indexing, on-line learning and coordination mechanism be strengthened for the companies who wish to adopt KM to upgrade corporate performances. This study performs a strategic implication analysis for the knowledge management in dynamic models. It applies the model of strategic analysis, which consists of three dimensions: industrial environment, organizational competence and co-opetition management. The prime goals of this study are two folds. First, disentangling the mystery of knowledge management. Second, providing the best solution toward the implementation of KM strategies. This research concludes that the model presented herein provides sound theoretical and practical frameworks for strategic analysis. Furthermore, the analytical structures and procedures of macro-environment, industrial settings, organization of enterprises, and supply-demand conditions require effective data collection. This study also explores and facilitates crucial factors to be embedded in the analysis of knowledge management strategic model. To achieve this purpose, this paper employs a generic model to explore the strategies of knowledge management of ITRI from analysis point of view, with emphasizing the core and competitive techniques and outside constraints of ITRI.