標題: GSM網路下分散式語音信箱之規劃-以和信電訊為例
The Design and Analysis of A Distributed Voice Mail System for GSM Networks-Using KG Telecommunications as A Case Study
作者: 王亮淵
Liang Yuan Wang
Dr. Chi-Chun Lo
關鍵字: 話務理論;Erlang B;行為分析;分散式語音信箱
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 在學術研究之林,已存在著許多有關如何設計一個分散式系統的書籍與理論,也有許多應用程式廠商已開發出相關的分散式系統規劃與設計工具或軟體,但是唯有本身親自設計、建置一個分散式網路系統,才有辦法瞭解其中所隱藏的奧妙。 值得我們注意的事是:設計一個分散式語音信箱系統不僅僅是一個網路設計的問題,它也必需借助許多相關資料的分析才能歸納整理出一個通用的設計方法或規劃。通常我們可以利用許多既有的理論基礎及分析歸納方法來幫助我們規劃設計一個分散式的網路系統,但是如何找出這些既有的理論基礎及分析歸納方法則有賴系統規劃設人員的專業知識及經驗。 本篇論文的主要目的,在於收集和信電訊全區電信用戶的話務資料,進行使用者電話行為分析,輔以話務理論的Erlang B公式,試著歸納引導出一個設計分散式語音信箱的方法,經由此一分散式語音信箱系統的設計,使得企業的營運成本得以有效降低,並提昇企業的獲利能力。 我們以和信電訊為例,經由話務資料的收集,進行使用者電話行為分析,輔以話務理論Erlang B公式計算,可以獲得一個分散式語音信箱用戶的分配法則,藉由這個發現,將使得企業營運成本得以有效降低,而避免企業獲利被過高的傳輸線路租用成本所稀釋。
While there are numerous books offering tips on the design of distributed systems, and some application vendors who say that their useful tools are indispensable for distributed design, the only way to fully understand the issues involved in the design of a distributed system is to actually attemp a design. There is no substitute for experience. It is critical to remember that Voice Mail System distribution is a design and analysis issue. It follows that any generally accepted analysis methodology will suffice for documenting the requirements of the system. The main purpose of this thesis is trying to collect relevant traffic reports, analyze the GSM subscribers’ telephone behavior and using traffic theory of Erlang B fomula, to generalize a common methodology of how to design a distributed Voice Mail System network. By studing the relevant traffic reports, the GSM subscribers’ telephone behavior of KG Telecommunications and using the traffic theory of Erlang B fomula. We found a methodology of how to provision the Voice Mail subscribers more effectively. The enterprise can successfully reduce the rental cost of the transmission lines by using this methodology.
Appears in Collections:Thesis