標題: 以延伸性標示語言為基礎的衛星影像查詢系統之設計
Design of XML-Based Satellite Image Query Systems
作者: 林信嘉
Hsin-Chia Lin
Dr. Duen-Ren Liu
關鍵字: 延伸性標示語言;衛星影像查詢;供應鏈;資料庫;XML;Satellite Image Query;Supply Chain;Database;BizTalk;SOAP
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本論文應用eXtensible Markup Language (XML)技術,設計一套網際網路上的衛星影像查詢系統,使得查詢更有效率。將衛星影像資料庫及資訊流的格式資料以XML型式表示,可增進衛星資料在網際網路的流通整合,並可將多個分散資料庫的查詢結果整合,使得查詢範圍更廣泛。 本研究提出一套資訊系統架構,用來將衛星影像資料供應鏈串聯起來,使用微軟 BizTalk 技術,以及採用SOAP標準,傳遞各資料庫網站的交易資訊。並且將衛星照相預約及衛星指令控制納入系統內,形成四度空間的影像資料庫系統。 本研究架設了一個模擬網站,用來驗證與展示本研究所提出的系統架構。包含即時交易系統的查詢及訂單送出,以及非即時交易系統的訂單處理、預約照相及非即時查詢功能。最後並討論本研究的優缺點,以及後續的研究與發展。
In this thesis, the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) related information technologies are used to design the satellite image query systems to improve the query efficiency. Because that satellite image data and information flows are expressed in the XML format, the satellite image data transference can be integrated, and the query results from many databases can be merged easily. An information system architecture is proposed in this research, which can link the satellite image supply chains. The Microsoft BizTalk technology and the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) specification are used to handle the data transference between the databases in the Internet. The satellite imaging subscription and the satellite telecommand handling are included in this system, and therefore a four-dimension remote-sensing image database system is formed. A test Web site simulating the satellite image transaction flows has been set up to demonstrate the benefits of the XML-based query systems. The real-time transaction system includes the real-time satellite image query function, and the purchase order delivery function. The non-real-time transaction system includes the purchase order handling function, the imaging subscription function, and the non-real-time query function. Finally, some discussions on this query systems and future works are described.
Appears in Collections:Thesis